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Questions tagged [stat]

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stat not giving birth datetime in cluster

with the command stat file.txt I get Access: 2024-06-10 14:55:36.254879000 +0300 Modify: 2024-06-10 14:55:36.254879000 +0300 Change: 2024-06-10 14:55:36.254879000 +0300 Birth: - I work in a cluster ...
Dimitris Tsiaousidis's user avatar
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Debug log from system call stat() is not printed

I want to build the 4.18.1 linux kernel and add a debug log in several places: in clone and stat system calls. I added the line printk(KERN_INFO "syscallstat"); at
ibse's user avatar
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2 answers

Is this "stat [option]... inode number..." possible?

Is it possible to use stat for retrieving meta data of File1 by passing File1's inode number as an argument to stat instead of the file name? stat [option - any doing this?] [inode number of File1] ...
futurewave's user avatar
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Bash script - check if any files changed recently

I am writing a script which needs to check if any of the files in a given directory have been modified recently. I thought I could simply use find, however it reports success even if it doesn't find a ...
symcbean's user avatar
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How to determine when KVM vm was created?

OS is Debian. Not asking about uptime of course, but I would like to determine when vm was created and/or first booted. Normally you can do something like: stat / and check birth time, but for a kvm ...
cat pants's user avatar
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After `su user`, getting `fatal: failed to stat : Permission denied` with `git push`

There's a lot of setup for this question: I've got a host (rpi5.local) with 2 user accounts: pi and cake. I wanted to explore git, and I created the cake account to "own" the "server/...
Seamus's user avatar
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In `find -exec`, using back quotes (backticks) with `stat` [duplicate]

I would like find to execute a different command depending on what the stats of a file are. If I run the command find . -name "*" -exec echo {} \+ then I get the list of files in the ...
Alex's user avatar
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Bash - cannot stat the last file created in a loop

In a bash script (on Ubuntu 22 if it matters) I have a function which, executed from within a loop, is given a filename to execute some SQLplus <query_name>.sql and store the results in ...
Jock Coats's user avatar
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Properly escape a string variable that contains special characters to be used in a shell script?

I feel dumb for asking such a simple question but Im absolutely stuck on this one. I've search everywhere, tried several methods to escape or properly quote this variable, but no matter what when I ...
ProfessionalAmateur's user avatar
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How do I get the number of hardlinks of a folder?

I am on Mac. However, I use gstat (GNU stat) so my understanding is that behavior should match linux. I cd to a folder. Then I use gstat --format=%h .. The output is 65. Next, I use gfind . -maxdepth ...
Matt Groth's user avatar
3 votes
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Apply arithmetic into piped command

So far I have this: sudo find /path/to/dir -type f | xargs -d "\n" sudo stat -c "%Y %n" | {arithmetic to check if %Y is between 1685518962 and 1685624474??} | {show ...
MonkeyZeus's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

how to list all files in a given period according their duration(not moment) of access

under linux, how to list all files in a given directory and its subdirs, in a given period, say last 10days, according their duration of access, ideally the result ought to be sorted by access ...
user2718593's user avatar
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How to get the most trusted and accurate linux distro stats?

I need the Linux distros usage statistics. I need this data to make a more informed decision for our future technology choices. However, I can't find the data. It seems that DistroWatch is a good ...
Saeed Neamati's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

Why does wc and stat produce different results for /proc/[pid]/cmdline?

I am trying to understand why wc and stat report different things for /proc/[pid]/cmdline. wc says my shell's cmdline file is 6 bytes in size: $ wc --bytes /proc/$$/cmdline 6 /proc/10425/cmdline stat ...
Shane Bishop's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

A script to show the age of a linux installation in days

I want to create a command that is called Age which calls this script: From=$(stat / | grep "Birth" | sed 's/Birth: //g' | cut -b 2-11) echo $From Now=$(date) echo $Now However, I'm stuck ...
Saeed Neamati's user avatar

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