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Questions tagged [spamassassin]

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Ubuntu 24.04, postfix and spamassassin

I was running Ubuntu 23.04, with postfix, with spamassassin installed as a service with systemctl. At the weekend I upgraded the distro to 24.04 and have now discovered that postfix is no longer able ...
Ant Kutschera's user avatar
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SpamAssassin rules work only during first scan with "spamc"

I've made a bunch of custom rules in my SpamAssassin setup. When I start the service (systemctl start spamassassin), those rules are properly evaluated on my test spam e-mail: [antek@mailgate ~]$ cat /...
antekone's user avatar
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Spamassassin not adding X-SPAM header

I've spent hours on websites, checked config files etc. But can't find the problem. Debian server, with Spamassassin and Postfix. Spamassassin is enabled (checked it on command line). In the mail.log, ...
Recif's user avatar
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sa-compile: command 're2c -i -b -o scanner1.c' failed: exit 0

While installing some software on my Debian 10.9 server, I received this error: $ sudo apt-get install fail2ban ... [cut] Running sa-compile (may take a long time) command 're2c -i -b -o scanner1.c ...
Samuel Hunter's user avatar
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SpamAssassin: UTF-16 surrogate 0xd800 at /usr/local/share/perl5/Pod/Simple/ line 67

When my Spam Assassin cron job runs, it gives Perl error messages which are then emailed to me by the cron daemon. How can I fix this error or warning? Cron job: /usr/share/spamassassin/sa-update.cron ...
Chloe's user avatar
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SpamAssassin changes Postfix headers

Adding Spamassassin to my Postfix has had an unwarnted effect on my email headers. We use Postfix with all of the mail routed to a catchall account. Our virtual_alias_maps file looks something like: @...
John Bruestle's user avatar
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Postfix / SpamAssassin ignoring SPF entirely

I am currently getting a ton of email from "myself" and have been having a ton of difficulty filtering it. I have postfix configured to check SPF and (presumably) reject if it fails, and SpamAssassin ...
Chris's user avatar
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Inconsistency between Spamassassin command line check vs daemon check

I'm running a mail server with postfix and spamassassin, and I appear to be getting a fair amount of junk mail through. I picked on one email at random to compare what the email headers say ...
Aditya K's user avatar
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