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I can't grep some inputrc string

bind -p |grep -E "\\e.\":" work but bind -p |grep -E "\\e\\C-.\":" don't work I tried a lot of combination
user3634569's user avatar
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How do I quote square brackets in Ansible variable value for regexp parameter?

I use the ansible.builtin.lineinfile module to modify a PHP-FPM pool configuration file. How should I quote the square brackets (annot.: or other special characters) in a value of a variable for the ...
togo's user avatar
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How to move all the files with specific prefix of the directory? [duplicate]

I have a following directory structure (assume no two files have the same name): Apple1 apple1.jpg apple2.jpg Apple2 apple3.jpg apple4.jpg Apple3 Tomato Peach And i would like to move one ...
spiridon_the_sun_rotator's user avatar
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Putting single quote in the begining of column

I have a .txt file with publications for which columns are separated by a single space. However, titles also have spaces an in order to separate the columns correctly I need to have all titles in ...
Magi's user avatar
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grep: use square brackets to match specific characters

So I am experimenting with the power of grep using this resources The problem I am currently encountering is that it doesn't seem to work as I intended. so I have an demo.txt file that contains foo....
jxhyc's user avatar
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2 votes
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awking for command options from man page

I am trying to auto-generate tab-completions for different commands. I am piping man pages for different commands into awk, then searching for command line options (eg. -shortopt --long-option) ...
myc3lium's user avatar
5 votes
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How do I grep multiple patterns from a pipe

I want to find three patterns in a list. I tried typing $ pip3 list | grep -ei foo -ei bar -ei baz but the shell throws a broken pipe error and a large Traceback. How do I grep for multiple ...
bit's user avatar
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Why use a variable in a bash regex match inside [[? [duplicate]

There is not a simple answer to this question at this site yet. This question aims to give a simple and clear answer. It is usually recommended to use a variable ($regex) in this construct: if [[ $...
user avatar
4 votes
3 answers

How can search for both single quotes and double quotes in a grep search?

When I do a search bindkey in the zsh plugins directory for key conflicts I get responses from both the .zsh script files and .md files, and some of the zsh readme files use a double quote in the ...
vfclists's user avatar
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10 votes
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shell test whether multiple lines string contains specified pattern in last line

I want to determine whether a multi-line string ends with a line containing specified pattern. These code failed, it doesn't match. s=`echo hello && echo world && echo OK` [[ "$s" =~ ...
gzc's user avatar
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Print a variable in single quote on bash | Weird Variables

On bash script, I need to pass date as ansible extra variable but getting something single quotes related issues; ... $DT="03-04-17" ansible-playbook copy2s3.yml --extra-vars 'cdate={{ "$DT" }}' and ...
Nullpointer's user avatar
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\1 in sed command not working under xonsh

I don't understand what I'm missing here: $ echo 'testing' | sed -E 's/([a-z]*)ing/\1ing/g' ing I would expect the output to be testing again, since \1 should be test? That input seems to have been ...
OJFord's user avatar
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Regular expression within single quotes- lose their value? [closed]

The book I am reading - Learning the Bash Shell by O'Reilly specifies some code as follows: if [ -n "$(echo $1 | grep '^-[0-9][0-9]*$')" ]; then howmany=$1 shift .... .... etc ...
MathMan's user avatar
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how to filter inner quotes? [closed]

is it possible to filter, i.e to put ESC in front of the inner quotes with sed, awk or other *NIX tool (no perl/python)? Example (revised): $ echo label=\"123 \"456\" 789\" \"AB C\" e f gh | magic-...
ivand58's user avatar
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9 votes
1 answer

Why does `grep fil*` fail?

I found echo file|grep fil* fails, but echo abcd|grep abc* succeeds. I don't understand it, can someone explain?
tmpbin's user avatar
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Define a variable to awk pattern matching from bash

I am trying to grab 100 lines after the text "time: X" with X in {0,40,80,...,200}. Here is what I have so far: #!/bin/bash start=1 end=5 for i in $(seq $start $end);do j=$(($i*40)) awk '/time: ...
user164723's user avatar
2 votes
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Why does the grep command ignore the period in the search string?

The command that I am using: find . -type f -name "*.sql" -exec grep -i -l 'schema_name.' {} + What I want to search is all the files which contain schema_name.. But the find command is ignoring the ...
romil gaurav's user avatar
1 vote
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regular expression : with a variable

arrFormat=( jpg jpeg bmp tiff png ) varExtension="jpg" for elem in "${arrFormat[@]}" do   echo "${elem}"   # do something on $elem # done #for i in $( find -E . -iregex '.*\.($arrFormat)' ) ; do #...
kris's user avatar
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cshell alias: How to use nested single quotes(') in in cshell alias

I am trying below alias in cshell: alias sll 'ls -l \!* | grep -oE '[^ ]+$' | paste -s | xargs ls -l' For this CSH says, Illegal variable name. If I use \$, alias will be set without any error. But ...
BluVio's user avatar
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significance behind escaping parentheses in expr match

Can anybody give me the difference between the following two commands in the context of escaping parentheses, or refer some document that would clear my doubt. string=abcABC123ABCabc $ echo `expr ...
Sudhish Vln's user avatar
1 vote
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What does a backslash represent when searching for decimals

I want to understand what the backslash represents in this command. grep "\.900983" table I know what the command does, it searches for the 900983 value in table, I'm just not sure of the purpose of ...
Katz's user avatar
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How to escape metacharacters for egrep like metaquote from Perl?

Perl has a function called metaquote() to escape all special characters for a regular expression. Is there an equivalent technique for egrep? Example: If I am searching for the string abc.def.ghi, I ...
kevinarpe's user avatar
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swap strings of text inside vim using regex

I am working with a file where I need to swap "string A" and "String B's" locations simultaneously with a regex inside the vim. Here is an example line of code: succ_1st=`grep 'resulted in successful ...
user53029's user avatar
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4 votes
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Match pattern \\\" using grep

I have a json string inside json. This got encoded multiple times and I ended up with many escape backlashes: \\\". The much shortened string looks like, '[{"testId" : "12345", "message": "\\\"the ...
user avatar
0 votes
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What does "\(\)" stand for in this command: grep("-(mean|std)\(\)", x[,2])

Need to know about the function of \(\) in grep("-(mean|std)\(\)", x[,2])
Rishabh Verma's user avatar
6 votes
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Why can't I escape the braces "]" in sed?

Question: Why can't I escape the "]"? $ printf "*#$@~\!&*()[]\n" *#~\!&*()[] $ printf "*#$@~\!&*()[]\n" | sed 's/[*#$@~!&*()\[\]]//g' *#~\!&*() $
LoukiosValentine79's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

How to search parenthesis by ack

I want to search for a parentheis ( using ack, but neither using ( nor \( worked. The first one ("(") is recognized as a multiple line command. The second one ("\(") is treated as an invalid regular ...
ironsand's user avatar
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Why awk understand FS="*" but not for FS="-*-"?

I got a test file, its content is: a -*- b I used awk 'BEGIN {FS="*"} {print $2}' test, it prints out - b Correct! But when I use awk 'BEGIN {FS="-*-"} {print $2}' test, I got: * I know that FS ...
ZengJuchen's user avatar
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Why does regex with \\$\{ work with egrep, but not with sed?

Given a text like this ./RFF_09 -f${FILE} -c${COND} inside a file, this egrep command will correctly match: egrep './RFF(.*) (.*)-c\\$\{COND\}' file but this sed command will not sed -n "s:'./RFF(...
Chaos_99's user avatar
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0 answers

Take the unknown contents of variable as literal in sed [duplicate]

I have two files: a.patterns contains patterns in a one per line way "`" "^" "<" "<(" "<)" "<[" "=" ">" "_;|^+*+?@" and contains comma separated values. 1,1,0,"*",1 2,1,1,"*",...
dr.doom's user avatar
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6 votes
3 answers

Why does my grep expression need to use $'string' to match tab characters?

If you take this code: echo -e '\t\t\tString' | grep '^[\t]*String' the result is blank because it doesn't match, yet this: echo -e '\t\t\tString' | grep $'^[\t]*String' works. I swear that I must ...
Tal's user avatar
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How to escape unbalanced brackets or slash in sed?

I'm trying to use sed, but my pattern contains [] brackets and slashes (/). I've tried quotes, but it doesn't help. How do I escape it? Examples: $ sed -i'.bak' "s/^includes[] =/;includes[] =/g" *...
kenorb's user avatar
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10 votes
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Regular expression using \\ vs using \

Why does grep e\\.g\\. <<< "this is an e.g. wow" and grep e\.g\. <<< "this is an e.g. wow" do the same thing? If I add a third slash, it also has the same result. BUT, once I ...
Wyatt Grant's user avatar
2 votes
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Regex works in shell but not through Perl script

I'm having trouble executing a Perl script through the Unix shell using Perl's system command. I've had more complex regex commands I had to adjust accordingly to convert from Unix to Perl, and they'...
lkisac's user avatar
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11 answers

Checking if an input number is an integer

I'm trying to check if an input is an integer and I've gone over it a hundred times but don't see the error in this. Alas it does not work, it triggers the if statement for all inputs (numbers/letters)...
lonewarrior556's user avatar
5 votes
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command: ls /etc | sort | grep d* is yielding no results but ls /etc | sort | grep p* lists entire directory

I am playing around with piping and grep tonight. I know that grep uses regex and that * means 0 or more occurrences of the preceding character. So the way I understand it is that if I do the ...
Brad Harris's user avatar
17 votes
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Why do I have to escape a "dot" twice?

I know that we can escape a special character like *(){}$ with \ so as to be considered literals. For example \* or \$ But in case of . I have to do it twice, like \\. otherwise it is considered ...
Registered User's user avatar
8 votes
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bash event not found trying to match and exclude parenthesis in grep

In a very long line I'll summarize with: (foo),(bar,baz(word,right),(end) I want to print only: (bar,baz(word,right To match the second parenthesis, I exclude the word that follows the third ...
Philippe Blayo's user avatar
10 votes
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Why can't find -regex match a newline?

Why does this fail? touch "$(printf "a\nb")"; find . -regex './.\n.' I also tried these, none of which work: find . -regextype posix-extended -regex '.\n.' find . -regextype posix-awk -regex '.\n.' ...
terdon's user avatar
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Why is my grep + regex not working?

I recently decided that enough was enough -- I was going to learn to use grep fluently. It's been all of three hours and I'm already stumped by this toy problem. I'm currently syncing a RAID5 array, ...
Louis Thibault's user avatar
8 votes
2 answers

"grep: Unmatched [" error when using regex

I'm trying to find a pattern similar to this: tail -n 100000 gateway.log | grep -B10 -A10 'Nov 22 11:13:56 Received Packet from [' Where "11:13:56" could be any time. This is what I came ...
JohnMerlino's user avatar
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What does this regex mean?

I was working on the conversion of Unix newline to Windows newline. I tried to unix2dos but it gave me some binary error, so I looked it up and stumbled upon this regex sed 's/$'"/`echo \\\r`/" input....
Max's user avatar
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Why do I need to escape regex characters in sed to be interpreted as regex characters?

It seems e.g. cat sed_data.txt | sed 's/\b[0-9]\{3\}\b/NUMBER/g' that I must escape characters to form a regular expression. In this case I had to escape braces in order to be interpreted as a number ...
Jim's user avatar
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16 votes
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How to grep for pipe |

How can I grep for line containing pipe character | or for character >: files content: |this is test where is > this is none now what I need using grep command is grep -iE "<some ...
Özzesh's user avatar
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8 votes
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Escaping * with Regular Expressions and Grep

I have a file that has unique lines that start with 2 stars (**). However when I run a grep command for grep \*\* fileName I get all of the lines in the file. This is very unusual, and what I see ...
monksy's user avatar
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228 votes
7 answers

Using sed to find and replace complex string (preferrably with regex)

I have a file with the following contents: <username><![CDATA[name]]></username> <password><![CDATA[password]]></password> <dbname><![CDATA[name]]></...
Harry Muscle's user avatar
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find utility does not recognize bracket notation

I've two files in the current folder: submitWeb.m submit.m the following find does not show the two files: find . -regex .*submit\(Web\)?\.m But the above regex expression works fine in emacs ...
gongzhitaao's user avatar
4 votes
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How to tell grep to match special character at beginning of each word [duplicate]

I have certain questions regarding grep. Why does the following command match '<Hello'? $ grep -E "\<H" test Hello World <Hello H<ello What needs to be done to match '<Hello' only?
user3539's user avatar
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Weird zsh grep -P behaviour

I connect to server with PuTTY from Windows. I have a long yet not touched (I suppose) by hands of local admin config: $ cat /opt/jira/.subversion/config ... ### must be enabled, which is ...
Nakilon's user avatar
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13 answers

How do I grep for multiple patterns with pattern having a pipe character?

I want to find all lines in several files that match one of two patterns. I tried to find the patterns I'm looking for by typing grep (foo|bar) *.txt but the shell interprets the | as a pipe and ...
Dan's user avatar
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