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How to correctly deal with locally built binaries?

I tend to build binaries from sources. My usual setup is the following $HOME/build -> this gets the sources $HOME/programs -> this is where the build happen, so where the binaries are Once ...
statquant's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

Is it safe for a program to add its bin directory to PATH?

I am building a program that relies on a series of external programs (pandoc, samtools, vcflib, etc..). To ensure that the correct versions are being used, I have downloaded the binaries for all of ...
user5359531's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

How can I use ifuse command in a bash script? [duplicate]

When I enter this command in a terminal window, it works as expected: ifuse "/home/sadi/mnt" But it is ineffective when used in a bash script run via a .desktop file. What can I do to use it like ...
Sadi's user avatar
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51 votes
2 answers

Bash remembers wrong path to an executable that was moved/deleted

When I do which pip3 I get /usr/local/bin/pip3 but when I try to execute pip3 I get an error as follows: bash: /usr/bin/pip3: No such file or directory This is because I recently deleted that ...
spiderface's user avatar
6 votes
4 answers

Bash: Path or link to a line in a file?

/path/to/fname#line1242 Is there a way to refer to a specific line number in a file as part of the pathname, or some way to package a link to a line number, which looks/behaves like a pathname? For ...
WAF's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

executable within $PATH still going unrecognized

I'm having an issue where I get the error bash: stp: command not found (stp is the name of the file I am trying to execute) Even when I have the folder that this program resides inside is in my $...
Aaron A.'s user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

How can I see all files which are sourced for an environment variable?

For example, I would like to see all files that are setting $PATH. For some terminals, this could be trivial, but I'm troubleshooting my terminal and having a hard time finding every file where this ...
jay's user avatar
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16 votes
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/etc/profile not sourced for `sudo su`

I have PATH=foo set in /etc/profile According to /etc/password the root and myaccount users have /bin/bash as the login shell. When I log in as myaccount, the PATH has been set correctly from /etc/...
spraff's user avatar
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2 votes
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Can I set add something to PATH, system-wide for all users, which has LOWEST precedence?

I can put this in /etc/environment and all users will have it: PATH=/opt/my/bin As I understand it, /etc/environment sets initial environment variables, then .profile, .bashrc and similar happen ...
spraff's user avatar
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-1 votes
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Unable to modify PATH using bashrc

I have read many posts and help files about updating the PATH using .bashrc. I might have to use .bashrc_profile as discussed here. However, I can't get .bashrc to even work from the command line. I ...
KeithSmith's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

What is the difference between /bin and ~/bin?

I am trying to understand exporting paths in Bash, and someone had told me that /bin is not the same as ~/bin. What is the difference between the two?
Cazs's user avatar
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Moving from bash to zsh: PATH reset

I'm on Mac and I've just moved from Bash to Zsh with Oh-my-zsh. It's all working fine, except my $PATH is now missing several entries, for example the path to the nodeJS binaries. The workaround I ...
Thierry J's user avatar
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6 votes
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* at end of directory path

I have a question about the * character at the end of a directory path in a bash script. I have a script that's supposed to automatically delete some archives from a server once they get old enough. ...
kabras's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

Duplicate PATH entries - don't know where they're being set from [closed]

TL;DR something changing my path, triplicating my custom directories even when commenting out the export PATH= line from bashrc Recently I added a line to my .bashrc to add two custom directories to ...
David Bailey's user avatar
0 votes
3 answers

How to make a script which uses $0 work when it's on $PATH?

I have a script (~/.../gremlin) which I created a soft link for: ln -s ~/[...]/gremlin ~/sc/gremlin ~/sc/gremlin is in $PATH. Calling the script directly works. Calling it through the link doesn't. ...
Ondra Žižka's user avatar
2 votes
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Firefox doesn't want to execute

I removed previous version of firefox and I downloaded the 45.3.0esr. I moved it to /home/user/firefox. Obviusly, if I type: firefox It raises: bash: /usr/bin/firefox: No such file or directory So ...
CatchJoul's user avatar
1 vote
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Reset $PATH Variable to Default Kali setting

Running Kali Linux Rolling Distro. Attempted to install Cuda Toolkit to the /opt/ directory using the following syntax: chmod +x ./cudatoolkit_4.1....
Joey Rodriguez's user avatar
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Internal path not set in GVim when launched from gvim.desktop

shell: bash, fish terminal: xfce4-terminal other-applications: xfce4-whiskermenu, tmux I'm trying to have GVim inherit the full path from bash and/or fish when launching from from xfce-whisker-menu....
Sourlemon11's user avatar
4 votes
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.bashrc doesn't export the path?

Every time I login to our company cluster, I first get a Kerberos ticket and then try to submit a job, but it fails to find spark-ubmit: -bash-4.1$ ./pipeline.runtime/scripts/ crow-...
gsamaras's user avatar
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Installing tar.gz file with no install target

I have tried a few answers, namely: How to install tar.gz files? Installing tar.gz file which has no configure, install, and readme file How to install tar file (jhead) on Mac or Linux machine I am ...
Dhruv Ghulati's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

find composer global install path as root

I have some php packages installed globally using php composer within a script sudo -u me composer global require "phpmd/phpmd" I want to find the path of these globally installed php packages. When ...
myol's user avatar
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3 answers

Bash commands not found

I use CentOS 7 and I install anaconda and some tools, after that some basic command like clear which not work. [zhilevan@localhost ~]$ clear bash: clear: command not found... when I echo $PATH I ...
Yuseferi's user avatar
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Mess with an export PATH

I have tried to include INTEL PARALLEL COMPOSER to my .bashrc.But something went wrong.Now I can not use gedit or vi editor. milenko@milenko-HP-Compaq-6830s:~$ gedit .bashrc Command 'gedit' is ...
MikiBelavista's user avatar
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Command passed as an argument to another command is not found in PATH

Generally when a command appears as an argument to another command e.g. command1 command2 how is command2's executable searched for? Is it searched in $PATH? Is it specific to how command1 ...
Tim's user avatar
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5 votes
3 answers

Bash one-liner to temporarily append path for chained commands without additional bash invocation?

Consider this: $ cd /tmp $ echo "echo YES" >> prog/myprog $ chmod +x prog/myprog $ prog/myprog YES $ myprog myprog: command not found I can temporarily modify PATH to call myprog by name like ...
sdaau's user avatar
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1 vote
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Why is bash not respecting ${PATH} and/or symlinks? [duplicate]

I am on OSX and installed Homebrew to get the GNU coreutils. I wanted gsort to be used instead of the preinstalled sort command so I created a symlink to gsort. My limited experience tells me that ...
Linoob's user avatar
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2 votes
3 answers

.bashrc path problems

Can anyone tell me how to add a directory, say Idl, which contains many sub-directories to my IDL_PATH in .bashrc such that when I do source .bashrc, I will be able to it is able to run all the ...
Sapna Mishra's user avatar
1 vote
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ls, mv, cp, cat, vi, command not found

I was trying to add a new path to my bashrc file but I have seemed to messed something up. after I $ source ~/.bashrc I no longer can use the commands ls, mv, cp, cat, vi, and probably others that I ...
Richard's user avatar
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1 answer

Editing the variable PATH

I want to start script just by typing script not the full path of the script for example ~/Desktop/name/script so i tried to edit variable PATH PATH="$PATH:~/Desktop/name" in the name folder i have ...
pnom's user avatar
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No paths getting set on login - bash not loading correctly?

I don't know if this is because of virtualenv, but I ran the virtualenv command to set up a tensorflow environment. Now no paths get loaded at all. Nothing works. To do even basic commands (such as ls)...
Sefu's user avatar
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15 votes
3 answers

Add PATH to .bashrc [duplicate]

I am trying to install Anaconda on my Linux machine. Right or wrong, at the end of the instructions they say to add this line to the file .bashrc in your home directory: export PATH="/home/...
Py-ser's user avatar
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bash: /home/hadoopuser/hadoop/sbin: Is a directory

I am in Ubuntu 14.04 LTS. Based on how to set a Hadoop cluster I am executing this: # Add Hadoop bin and sbin directory to PATH export PATH=$PATH:$HADOOP_HOME/bin;$HADOOP_HOME/sbin where I know that ...
gsamaras's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

Handling duplicate programs names bash

I'm wondering if $PATH cascades entries. You'll all need to take a leap of faith with me here, but here it goes. Let's say we have a Java executable at /usr/bin/java but this version is very old and ...
djthoms's user avatar
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3 answers

echo $PATH does not show added path in .bash_profile or /etc/profile

I have just installed LaTEX and need to add the path to my $PATH variable so I can use the command. I have tried adding path (/usr/local/texlive/2015/bin/x86_64-linux) to my .bash_profile and when I ...
D B's user avatar
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1 answer

why Whereis not able to show command path, while which is working correctly? [duplicate]

I have created a executable bash shell script file command. I added directory path of my custom command to $PATH variable, but whereis not showing the command path but which shows correctly. I am ...
rahul.deshmukhpatil's user avatar
1 vote
3 answers

How to check for valid $PATH directories, and output them telling whether each one is valid or not?

Ok so I got this: check="${PATH//:/'\n'}" The above gets me each path in a simplified manner, and formats it nicely into a variable. Now how do I check each line for existence, and state that for ...
David Prentice's user avatar
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building code from source and adding them to your path

Typically on Debian when you install things from the repository, they just work. It sets up things just fine and life is good. This is great for things that are up to date in the repository. I am ...
user1610950's user avatar
2 votes
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How to control pathing when executing a string command using bash -c?

Background, I am trying to use a Python library that spawns a subprocess using arguments ["bash", "-c", "python"]. What's happening is Python 2.6 is executed, but I want python2.7 ...
Ryan J McCall's user avatar
3 votes
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Help with bash script

I am teaching myself bash scripting with the book 'Learning the Bash Shell' by Newbam. I'm getting on OK with the book, but am a bit confused by the following script. It is a script which uses a for ...
John D's user avatar
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Continuum Anaconda Fedora 22 Linux path

After an update to Windows 10 I encounter problems in my dual boot system so I had to re-install Fedora 22. So, starting with a fresh system I re-installed my work environment. The one installation ...
BrianM's user avatar
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Continuum Anaconda Fedora 22 path

After an update to Windows 10 caused problems in my dual boot system I had to reinstall Fedora 22. So, starting with a fresh system I reinstalled my work environment. The one installation that has ...
BrianM's user avatar
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How to update .bashrc with PATH

I have installed a new JRE on my RedHat linux system. lsb_release -i -r Distributor ID: CentOS Release: 6.5 I have updated the symbolic links pointing to the desired Java installation: ls -l /...
Roy Hinkley's user avatar
39 votes
4 answers

Add path to $PATH if not already in $PATH [duplicate]

I need to add a path in a bash script, but it may be executed several times: export PATH=${OPENSHIFT_HOMEDIR}/app-root/runtime/bin/:${PATH} I don't want that path to be added over and over. How can ...
Jérôme Verstrynge's user avatar
7 votes
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When I run "sudo su" I get --bash: command not found for everything

I'm not good with command lines or servers. But I needed to configure for work a AMI of EC2 AWS with LINUX So I've installed a lot of stuff, moved a lot of stuff around and then I realized that sudo ...
Michelle Colin's user avatar
-2 votes
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ls: No such file or directory [closed]

I have been messing around trying to install macvim to a higher version of 7.4. I finally got it working but now I get the error ls: No such file or directory when looking for a directory. I can ...
user3063666's user avatar
2 votes
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Binary not accessible from Bash despite being in path

I am learning how to program in Racket. Its binary is in "/Applications/Racket v6.2/bin/racket". Let me show what happens: MacBook:~ enedil$ echo $PATH /Applications/Racket\ v6.2/bin:/usr/...
enedil's user avatar
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bash: Passing several space containing filenames

In a bash script I am rasterizing a PDF page by page into single files, in the end the single resulting PNGs are merged again into a PDF like this: convert -monitor /path/to/1.png /path/to/2.png /...
Kreuvf's user avatar
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2 answers

How do I add Metasploit into my PATH variable?

I have Metasploit installed on my Mac in /usr/local/share/msf. Everytime I want to use it I have to cd into that directory and use msfconsole. If I try to /usr/local/share/msf/msfconsole in my home ...
Anonymous's user avatar
3 votes
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How do you add a bash script to your PATH variable using symlinks?

I run a gaming server called PocketMine. So basically I have a folder in my home directory that has a bash script to run the server: ~/PocketMine/ Everytime I want to run the server I either ...
Anonymous's user avatar
16 votes
2 answers

Adding a new directory to PATH vs. a symlink for directory already in PATH

In setting it up so I could execute Sublime Text from bash, I discovered two methods of doing this via different tutorials: Method 1) Create a symlink from /usr/local/bin/subl to Sublime's bin dir: ...
sbuck's user avatar
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