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Questions tagged [parallel-ssh]

PSSH (parallel-ssh) is a tool to run SSH commands on multiple servers in parallel

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Parallel Commands no longer working in script?

I've made a script that goes through and updates our Linux servers. It was working just fine for the past month or so. But just this morning I now receive the error: Could not open hosts file: No such ...
BackDooR_ViiRuS's user avatar
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Parallel-ssh is executing script twice on host

I run this simple command on the host: apt update > /dev/null 2>&1 && apt upgrade -y > /dev/null 2>&1 && wget -4 -q --header 'XXXX' -O - https://raw....
Freedo's user avatar
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Linux Shell Scripting for reading multiple files and running them

I am using a centos cluster in which I am running LAMMPS software for simulations. Now I have to run multiple files in a folder now each file has a similar type of subfiles i.e they contain 3 files 1. ...
Yash54's user avatar
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Is it possible to prepare an environment that the application will see as having more cores, the ones of other LAN hosts for distributed/parallel?

I have 4 PCs, they all are 8+ years old. I can connect them all thru LAN cable or WIFI. I will run it from my desktop PC. I was trying to read about parallel but there seems to have a lot of confusion ...
Aquarius Power's user avatar
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How to increase and check number of successful ssh connections to a remote host

I wrote the below loop that creates ssh connections to remotehost1 $ cat #!/bin/sh i=0 while [ $i -ne 500 ] do i=$(($i+1)) echo "SSH COUNT IS: $i" ...
Ashar's user avatar
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Adding multiple known_hosts entries at once

Is there a way to add multiple known_host entries at once, as a one-time thing. Because I don't want to disable SSH Host Key verification which is terrible practice. I just want to have a "prep" ...
Wadih M.'s user avatar
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How pssh do the ssh activities without password

the follwing pssh command do a parallel as date pssh -i -H "master01 master02 master03 worker01 worker02" -l root -x '-q -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o GSSAPIAuthentication=no -o ...
yael's user avatar
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pssh + verify date between machines and alert if date difference is more then 3 second

we are using the following great pssh command in order to see if time differences is more then 3 second between machines pssh -i -o /tmp/out/ -e /tmp/err/ -H "master01 master02 master03 worker01 ...
yael's user avatar
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parallel-ssh not appears in any path after pip installation

we installed the parallel-ssh but after pip successfully installation the command parallel-ssh not appears in any path where we are wrong? locate parallel-ssh which parallel-ssh /usr/bin/which: ...
yael's user avatar
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2 answers

number of ssh sessions allowed from a server

I will try to be very specific to the question, please pardon my language if not clear. Say i have a Unix system 'A', from where I want to ssh into some other servers in parallel and do some task. ...
Pankaj's user avatar
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5 answers

How to run sudo with parallel ssh

Linux: ubuntu 14.04.3 LTS cat /tmp/passfile ABCxyz123 sshpass -f /tmp/passfile parallel-ssh -I -A -h hostlist.txt "sudo -S ls -l /root" < /tmp/passfile and the method described here in google ...
sherpaurgen's user avatar
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How to make parallel-ssh stop prompting for password?

I have passwordless ssh setup between the 2 machines. ssh doesn't prompt for password but pssh does. I cannot run commands which need data piped into pssh as the prompt messes with the input. How to ...
user568109's user avatar
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pssh (Parallel-ssh) passing different parameter for every host

I have a file called hosts which looks as follow: host1 host2 host3 host4 ..... On these machines there is also a local user named as the machine name. host1 user is created on host1 host and so on....
holasz's user avatar
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How to pass multiple commands via pssh and multiple xterms

I'm attempting to open multiple xterms and run a command as an SAP user via sudo using pssh. So far, I'm able to run PSSH to a file of servers with no check for keys, open every xterm in the servers ...
icemanj's user avatar
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3 answers

parallel-ssh with Passphrase Protected SSH Key

I'd like to use my passphrase protected SSH key when performing tasks with parallel-ssh (and related tools). However, I can't get this to work. All the documentation, regarding parallel-ssh, show ...
Nathan S. Watson-Haigh's user avatar