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-4 votes
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ps command: how does the '-q' option work?

According with the ps command, for the -q option Through the man is indicated: -q pidlist Select by PID (quick mode). This selects the processes whose process ID numbers appear in ...
Manuel Jordan's user avatar
1 vote
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How do you interpret this complicated man page syntax?

I am reading this on a man page: [-n number-to-stat[:max-size[:min-size][:num-directories[:chunk-size]]]] I interpret this as -n is optional but how do I specify the num-directories? Preferably I ...
d-b's user avatar
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-1 votes
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apt-get man page weird flag

I just looked up the man page of apt-get via man apt-get and it shows me a weird flag in the synopsis section. It's the first one. Each x is a capitalized/uncapitalized character. SYNOPSIS apt-...
dareun's user avatar
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What is the use of n option in cut command?

I'm learning about the cut command. In the man page of cut, they show the -n option like: -n (ignored) But I didn't understand the usage of the n option or when we would use it. Can anyone ...
Ganapathy's user avatar
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What does grep -w do?

In here grep is used with the option -w. I did man grep and grep --help to try to find what the aforementioned option does. Neither output says anything about a -w option. What does that option do? ...
CcVHKakalLLOOPPOkKkkKk's user avatar
0 votes
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How to use the man command to navigate to specific sections of the manual? [duplicate]

I would like to know if there are easier ways to navigate to specific sections of manual pages such as Examples or Options I currently resort to piping man to regex find and retrieve statements. For ...
Micks Ketches's user avatar
14 votes
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grepping for word starting with hyphen gives error: invalid option -- 't'

When I grep the man page of the find command for matches to type it returns a lot of search results that I don't want. Instead I want to use a command that returns only the search results for -type. ...
karel's user avatar
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8 votes
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What does ls -alh mean? [duplicate]

I have seen that people use ls -alh in the Linux terminal. However, when I see the manual, I don't see -alh (i.e. when I type man ls). Why do I not have it in the manual? Can someone explain what it ...
Pichi Wuana's user avatar
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How to read this tcpdump man page?

I am trying to use the tcpdump command in a project and I have some difficulties understanding the help page. SYNOPSIS tcpdump [ -AbdDefhgHIJKlLnNoOpPqRStuUvxX ] [ -B buffer_size ] [ -c count ] ...
phenetas's user avatar
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Using apropos command with -a to search multiple keywords on CentOS 7

I'm running CentOS 7.0 build 1503. I'm trying to search for commands I don't know the name of by searching the man descriptions for multiple keywords using AND (e.g. search for a command containing ...
James Allen's user avatar
33 votes
8 answers

Is there way to see `man` document only for specified option of a command

If I want to know the meaning of wget -b, I see the manual by man wget, then search the -b option. -b --background Go to background immediately after startup. If no output file is ...
ironsand's user avatar
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How do I specify command invocation for a mandatory short or long option?

I'm writing a specification for a tool that needs a -f / --foo option with a mandatory argument BAR, so for example these are valid calls: tool -f BAR tool --foo BAR How do I specify this syntax in ...
slhck's user avatar
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Can't search for flags in qalter's man page?

I was trying to find out what qalter's -r flag does, but I can't search for -r when viewing the man page for it (pattern not found). Yet it's clearly there. If you scroll down a bit you'll see it. Why ...
Dog's user avatar
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Correct way to document variable length options in man pages

Sometimes I see usage information like some_utility [arg [arg [...]]] or some_utility [arg[, arg[...]]] that indicates that you can pass more than one of the same argument. I've also seen it like ...
David Winiecki's user avatar