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Questions tagged [multiuser]

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Starting user units from custom path

I have successfully enabled user units in RHEL 8 under ~/.config/systemd/user directory. Enabling linger also gives me the option to start the service without having to login. My question, is it ...
Casper Netherlands's user avatar
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Configure screen to have multiuser support

Following up on Sharing a terminal with multiple users (with screen or otherwise) Same as the first comment, my screen complains about needing suid root, and sudo chmod u+s /usr/bin/screen fixes that ...
xpt's user avatar
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Turn on keyboard backlight from

Is there a way to turn on the keyboard backlight from the environment? As X11 is not loaded, the command xset led on does not work and gives xset: unable to open display ""....
Bill Joe's user avatar
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How to run a graphical application as another user?

Let's an user A (userA) wants to run in his graphical session a graphical application as user B (userB). How is it done it on a modern GNU/Linux system?
Scrooge McDuck's user avatar
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Categorizing Debian Linux VPS

I like to Categorize or Divide one Debian VPS for different Tasks and Testing. For Example two Apache Web Servers with no any connection between both. Something like installing apache2 web server only ...
zakadmin's user avatar
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systemd resource control -- all users/root

I'm using Debian Bullseye with systemd 247. I have more than a hundred of users and I would like to enforce some limits using cgroups. I use set-property, which works as expected, for example for the ...
Kamil's user avatar
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-8 votes
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How Does Unix Interpret $? [closed]

[orca@orcacomputers public_html]$ adduser Jé$$è+rèè adduser: invalid user name 'Jé28956è+rèè' I am unable to use $ when adding users in CentOS7. Karen goes "WHY THE HELL WOULD YOU DO THAT!?&...
mister mcdoogle's user avatar
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PulseAudio ignoring seat assignment when plugging in USB audio device

I'm trying to create a multiseat setup for two seats, with a monitor, keyboard, mouse, and USB soundcard for each seat. With my primary user logged in, I created a second seat with its own monitor, ...
davex_'s user avatar
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How do I keep track of when each user is actively using the GUI on Ubuntu?

I have a different user for each of my own work areas on my system. This is to keep bookmarks, files and other defaults separate. Several "users" are generally logged in at once and I just ...
Woody's user avatar
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3 votes
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mount.cifs not supporting 'multiuser'?

I was going to use the "multiuser" option for mount.cifs, but /var/log/messages reports: kernel:CIFS: unknown mount option multiuser Kernel is 2.6.18-433 mount.cifs is 1.12RH I can't find ...
Ti NX's user avatar
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4 votes
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How to run script when switching to specific (already logged in) user

There's plenty of info out there on how to run a script at login (add it to .xprofile etc.), but I'm looking for a solution that will run a script/command not just at login but also every time a ...
user629422's user avatar
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Applications suspended when switching user?

I've using 2 user and switch them between works using this command: dm-tool switch-to-user workuser1 and using Ctrl+Alt+F7 /F8 to switch users after logged+ in. But when I switch user, some ...
Kokizzu's user avatar
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USER shown in `ps aux` but not found /etc/passwd

ps aux output (only line of interest shown) USER PID %CPU %MEM VSZ RSS TTY STAT START TIME COMMAND 472 24070 0.0 0.7 1636608 59416 ? Ssl May09 10:53 grafana-server --....
Dojo's user avatar
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0 votes
2 answers

Setting up a git server with ssh access

I want to set up a server that hosts git repositories over ssh and https with client certificates. I don't want any snazzy GUI or anything like that (i.e. not Bitbucket, GitLab, etc) I want a bare ...
cypheratheist's user avatar
3 votes
3 answers

Is there a GUI to edit/add users and groups

Is there a graphical tool that shows (edits) all users and groups on the system, so that one can avoid editing /etc/passwd and /etc/group directly? GNOME Settings (gnome-control-center) Users view ...
Scrooge McDuck's user avatar

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