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Questions tagged [maildir]

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Be notified of new mail in any Maildir inbox under ~/Mail, in the Zsh shell

I have a cron job that fetches new mail from several mail servers every 20 minutes. The mail is automatically sorted into Maildir mailboxes in a hierarchy under ~/Mail. I want to be notified in the ...
Kusalananda's user avatar
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Big Maildir mailspool - looking for ways to improve performance

I have an extremely large Maildir which contains emails going back many years. I need to rebuild the server and would like to improve the mail storage setup. My main problem is that backups of the ...
philpem's user avatar
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How do I pipe my raw keystrokes through a command before sending it through ssh to remote systems

To better specify my question, I have decided that I want every keystroke to be piped to a package called safecat which uses the maildir algorithm, which is in turn delivering it's output to a remote ...
Adam Ledger's user avatar
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Convert Thunderbird IMAP mail folder to maildir

I currently use mu4e with a maildir storage format as my email client. I used to use Thunderbird with an old Outlook based email account for work, using IMAP. In my .thunderbird directory tree, I can ...
nonreligious's user avatar
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How should an email message, represented as a single file, be added to a Maildir?

The naming conventions of Maildirs seem pretty elaborate. I downloaded a message from Outlook's web interface and added it to a Maildir by naming it added and putting it in a new folder. mbsync and ...
Kodiologist's user avatar
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mail: How do I mark an email as unread?

I am using mail from GNU Mailutils to read the contents of a Maildir. For emails that have already been marked as read, is there a way to mark them as unread in mail?
Flux's user avatar
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mutt: determine local path of current mail

CHALLENGE I want to determine the local path of the currently viewed mail within mutt and transfer it to a bash script, before or after saving the mail to a local project folder. CONCEPT I am using ...
nnako's user avatar
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Display name and/or path of currently viewed email in mutt/neomutt

I'm using neomutt (an updated fork of mutt) as my CLI MUA (read: mail reading software in the terminal) and have all my messages synced offline using isync/mbsync and stored in the maildir-format on ...
n0542344's user avatar
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How to get the notmuch message-id and thread-id from a maildir message filename already in the notmuch db?

Let's assume that I make a notmuch query that returns files: $ notmuch search --output=files tag:inbox from:love This returns a list of files, pointing to Maildir messages. Now I pick one of these ...
jlewk's user avatar
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Can mutt handle exclamation points instead of colons in file names?

I'm wanting to move my maildir folder to a different disk that has a Window file system. However, the file system does not allow colons (:) in file names, which Maildir uses in some file names by ...
Rob Mosher's user avatar
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Is it normal for Postfix to store old messages in mbox when Maildir is active?

I noticed this output when testing my first Postfix installation: Saved 1 message in /home/USERNAME/mbox Held 1 message in /home/USERNAME/Maildir I have home_mailbox or whatever set to "Maildir/", ...
ineedhelp's user avatar
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Copy mail file from maildir over ssh [duplicate]

The maildir has a specific format of the files laying underneath, e.g. 1549464014.9224_427.hostname:2,RS. In Debian environment copying this file over SSH without renaming is impossible or I don't ...
0andriy's user avatar
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Bash scripting in a Maildir directory [duplicate]

I want to grep across 500 files in a Maildir directory. I issued the command grep MyPattern * I got the error message: bash: /usr/bin/grep: Argument list too long So I stored the list of files in ...
Sanjay Chakravarty's user avatar
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Compressed Maildir [was Strange Postfix Maildir files]

I was called to solve a situation of recovering a backup of emails from a legacy server that died. Having Maildir files, and with some header data, I could easily determine with some detective work ...
Rui F Ribeiro's user avatar
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Where do custom folders of virtual users with dovecot IMAP get stored?

I just set up a Postfix+Dovecot Mail System. This system uses only virtual users. I set the mailboxes up in /var/vmail/DOMAIN/USER in the Maildir format. Now I connected (successfully :D) with my IMAP ...
Martin B.'s user avatar
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