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Questions tagged [gzip]

A data compression program. Originally a GNU utility it has been cloned by most Unix variants.

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2 answers

tar: ./.tar.gz: file changed as we read it | "Flagged" files are unrelated to the file tar is supposed to operate on

I am trying to use tar to recursively compress all files with the .lammpstrj extension within the directory tree starting at the directory whose path is stored in the variable home. home contains the ...
Felipe Evaristo's user avatar
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2 answers

extending recursive find to .tar, tar.gz, tar.bz2, and tar.xz on Debian 12

Continuing find a file within a tar.gz archive, how is it possible to automatically recursively search for files with given names, including the files inside the archives and compressed archives? For ...
AlMa1r's user avatar
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1 answer

How to verify size of pigz (parallel gzip) archive contents? [duplicate]

I created some pigz (parallel gzip) - home page - compressed archives of my SSD disk drives. (compiled version 2.8) I called one of them 4TB-SATA-disk--Windows10--2024-Jan-21.img.gz which says the ...
Vlastimil Burián's user avatar
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4 answers

awk appends column in .gz file as seen with cat -A, but changes column name in regular output

Using awk, to this table I want to add a column where first row is "INFO" and rest of the rows are all "1". $ gunzip -c foo.gz | head SNPID CHR BP Allele1 Allele2 Freq1 Effect ...
jay.sf's user avatar
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telegram-desktop: qt.svg: Error while inflating gzip file: SVG format check failed

I use telegram-desktop on arch linux in sway. It sometimes crashes, so I started it from terminal. This way I find out telegram spams this message: qt.svg: Error while inflating gzip file: SVG format ...
Jan Černý's user avatar
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How to modify a gzipped file with sed and then zip again the file?

I have a .vcf.gz file, with the following aspect: #CHROM POS ID REF ALT chr1 10894 chr1:10894:G:A G A chr1 10915 chr1:10915:G:A G A ...
Khaleesi95's user avatar
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How can I fix a .tar.gz being downloaded as html?

I'm trying to download this file with wget. When I try to unpack it with tar I get the following error: gzip: stdin:...
HectorN's user avatar
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How can I evaluate tars and gzips for validity without expanding them?

LONG ago I wrote a backup script for our site and have updated it ever since. However, occasionally things go wrong and some of the older backups are now broken. In days gone by I had used the utility ...
Richard T's user avatar
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How to extract .gtar file?

I have a .gtar file, I wanted to extract it, but it is not getting extracted. Below are the methods I have tried with its output. I supposed to be contained bunch of text files. $ gtar -xf file.gtar ...
Subramanya Krishna's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Rename .gz files according to names in separate txt-file

I want to rename .gz files according to names in separate txt-file. I have a map with .gz files with the names: trooper10.gz trooper11.gz trooper12.gz etc. and I have a separate txt-file with the ...
Yoshi's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

Normal gz file not extractable by tar [duplicate]

I have a gz archive but for some reason tar said that the format is incorrect even though I can double click it in mac Finder and extract it normally, and file command shows the same format just like ...
phuclv's user avatar
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Extract first n bytes from .tar.gz and output as a .tar.gz in a single command

I have a .tar.gz as input and want to extract the first 128 MiB of it and output as a .tar.gz in a single command. I tried: sudo tar xzOf input.tar.gz | sudo dd of=output bs=1M count=128 iflag=...
JohnnyFromBF's user avatar
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Difference between ar, tar, gzip, zip and when should I decide to choose which one?

I had a use case where I needed to pack a bunch of files into one. And all above commands does the same. I know gzip compresses my files but lets say space is not at all an issue for me then in that ...
Himanshuman's user avatar
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Patch compressed file

is there any way to patch a file, that is compressed via gzip without decompressing it first? I tried patch -n <(gzip -d file.gz) patch_to_file.diff > new_file but I only got patch: **** Can't ...
ninjulian's user avatar
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1 answer

Archive verify `gzip -v -t` prints success to stderr or I'm doing something wrong? [duplicate]

I want to add gzip file verification to my backup script. My backup script creates logs for stdout and stderr like this: scp -i $BCKIDENTITYFILE $BCKLOG "$BCKREMOTEUSER"@"$BCKHOST":...
Kamil's user avatar
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