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Questions tagged [grml]

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How can I load config.tbz from the same USB stick that Grml is running from?

I've tried to put a config.tbz in the root of the USB stick but it's not unpacked by default and nothing useful is logged /tmp/grml* either (even with log added to the kernel command line). I've also ...
got trolled too much this week's user avatar
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Why does setting PROMPT have no effect in grml's zshrc?

Trying to set the PROMPT or PS1 variables to customise the ZSH shell prompt with the popular GRML zshrc config, it has no effect, nothing happens at all: root@machine ~ # PROMPT="> " root@...
nh2's user avatar
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Cant get virtualenv displayed in grml zsh prompt

I have some problems with configuring zsh grml shell. I coppied /etc/zshrc file to my home dir, and start using it. I noticed lack of virtualenv name while working with python. So I tried to run ...
pere's user avatar
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apply zsh themes manually

I'm on freebsd (TrueOS, to be exact) and want to change my ZSH theme. ZSH was installed as binary package. I cloned the commonly known oh-my-zsh git repo, to gain themes, but want to stay with grml ...
Droid san's user avatar
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Expanding {a..d} to a b c d in zsh

In bash, {a..d} expands to a b c d. Currently this is not happening for me in zsh, and my googling has returned conflicting results. Some results suggest that {a..d} should work -http://zsh....
Squidly's user avatar
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What is the key difference between grml zsh config and oh-my-zsh config

Now I'm on the oh-my-zsh, but I'm not sure that it is perfect choice. What is the key difference between grml zsh config (github repo) and oh-my-zsh config? In which case should I prefer grml or oh-my-...
petRUShka's user avatar
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update-grub in grml

I converted a machine from a single disk to mdadm RAID1. I did this nearly like it's described in Raid1 on a running system. Before, I tried to make the same changes not within the running system, ...
chris's user avatar
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Error While Booting GRML

I'm dropped the 32-bit GRML ISO onto a 1GB thumb drive with the usual command: dd if=grml_2010.12.iso of=/dev/USB_STICK (of course, with the correct device). But, when I try to boot from it, it ...
Jonah's user avatar
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GRML will not boot automatically

I install GRML on my USB disk with the grml2usb tool. But when I boot from the USB, it first boots to a blank screen with boot: text on it. I must type the boot options myself to boot the system. I ...
David S.'s user avatar
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