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Questions tagged [email]

Sending, receiving, reading, composing, sorting, and generally working with email. For the mail(1) command line utility, see the tag /mail-command.

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0 answers

email sent to root with email provider and thunderbird mua on fedora 40

I have fedora 40. I use thunderbird to receive email. I would like to receive email sent to root in thunderbird. The "account settings" section of thunderbird used to have "Add ...
-2 votes
0 answers

mail server migration tools

We have zimbra as mail server with an old ubuntu in our company. I decided to install a clean Debian or FreeBSD with a Postfix+Dovecot and other needed tools such as OpenDKIM and other tools. We have ...
0 votes
0 answers

How do I use SSL and SASL for dovecot sieve autoreplies?

Dovecot's sieve can send its autoreplies via another SMTP server. But I can't find in the documentation anywhere how to configure authentication and certificates/ssl for this connection. Currently my ...
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0 answers

Setting up Linux Mail Server with SpamAssassin: How to Receive Emails and Retrieve Spam Scores Programmatically?

I'm looking to set up a mail server on Linux that can receive emails, analyze them using SpamAssassin, and then return the spam score results. My goal is to integrate this into an application where I ...
3 votes
2 answers

SSMTP: How to send email with both a body and attachment

I am currently using the following command to send emails from my Ubuntu server, which I adapted from this question's answer: printf "subject: the ...
0 votes
1 answer

How to Create a PTR Record for AWS Mailserver's Elastic IP Address

I configured an SMTP server (Postfix) on an AWS instance. However, as a defense against spam most well-managed emailservers will reject messages sent from any host whose IP does not resolve back to ...
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1 answer

How to set absolute postfix Maildir NOT within home directory ? mail_spool_directory does not work

I have installed Postfix from source in the top level directory /srv/mail/. I edit the file and add: home_mailbox = mail/ When I then send a mail with: sendmail -t localuser@localhost > My ...
2 votes
2 answers

export/convert emails (.eml files) to plain text

So I have an ancient archive of emails and I want to combine them into one big happy text file, can that be done? I notice when I view an email and cut and paste the content I get exactly what I want ...
5 votes
1 answer

mutt: Delay in emails delivery

It is the first time I am sending emails from Bash. For a test I have sent about 80 emails with mutt to (and from) my GMail address. Not all emails have been delivered in the 24 hours following me ...
2 votes
1 answer

Cannot open an .mbox file with neomutt (although it works with mutt)

Cannot open an .mbox file with mutt I want to open a 10GB .mbox file that I downloaded from my gmail account. When I use the command neomutt -f 10GB_mboxfile.mbox neomutt takes 10-20 seconds to open ...
0 votes
0 answers

Different format in .mbox and email saved locally with mutt: convert split .mbox file into the same format as mutt?

I am trying to move to mutt for mail client and am trying to have email localy. I have 2 sources of saved email: the first one was obtained from the .mbox file form google: I wrote a script which ...
4 votes
1 answer

Sendmail issues "530 Authentication required" error message when authinfo is supplied

sender_email - email address that does not exist, but must be used as FROM address, because receiver host rejects emails from other emails. receiver_email - email that is supposed to receive the sent ...
1 vote
0 answers

Where to find textstring in Linux/Dovecot

I have installed the iRedMail email server script on an Ubuntu 22.04 with Nginx. Now, when I create a new email account, the user gets an email when he logs in the first time.  It’s a welcome email ...
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0 answers

How to configure postfix to pipe all incoming email to a script using Plesk?

Basically, I'd like the same functionality as in this question. I only run into the issue that whenever I add transport_maps = hash:/var/spool/postfix/plesk/transport, hash:/etc/postfix/transport to ...
0 votes
1 answer

How to set mail subject using variable and ensure attachment is not included in email body

I have the following shell script fragment. var_name='ZZPCI' for emailadd in `cat /tmp/email_list.tmp` do subject_text="Subject with Var Name "$var_name subj_text_novar="Subject without Var ...

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