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Questions tagged [desktop]

Desktop is a set of unifying concepts used by graphical user interfaces to help users more easily interact with the computer.

2 votes
1 answer

How to inspect GUI elements (buttons, fields, forms) in Linux and automate, control them from Python script?

There are some tools to simulate users actions (moving mouse, clicking buttons, filling forms and so on) in Linux, like we do it in Windows with Python and pywinauto or pyautogui libraries. On Linux ...
Anton Makarov's user avatar
0 votes
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How to programmatically set KDE Plasma desktop wallpaper to a colour?

Like this similar question about image wallpapers asks: How do I set the KDE desktop wallpaper to a .JPEG file from the command line? ...except that I want to set it to a colour rather than an image,...
RokeJulianLockhart's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Graphics problem in 24.04 LTS

I installed Ubuntu 24.04 LTS inside a Virtual Box on a new Windows 11 host. Clicking on the File Manager on the Desktop (or on related buttons like trash bin or CD) does not show a normal window but ...
Holger's user avatar
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Ubuntu not starting GUI after install

Just installed Ubuntu on my Dell Precision 3591 and, after installing it, the GUI won't start.  I have Ubuntu 22.04 with the 6.5.0-28-generic kernel. I understand this might be a problem with the ...
Zavit's user avatar
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Understanding the keyboard input stack on desktop Linux, esp. compose keys

For context, I'm trying to track down a bug in Compose key handling that I experience on Fedora 39 with GNOME on Wayland, discussed here and here. However, my question is more general. I'm trying to ...
Jean Abou Samra's user avatar
-4 votes
2 answers

Can I make Gnome behave and look more like a traditional desktop?

Can I modify Gnome so it behaves more like Gnome2 and other desktops? One has to go to the activities menu in the corner, click, then click the buckshot pattern at the bottom then see this. Is there ...
user3450148's user avatar
1 vote
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No "File Open" / "Save As" dialogue in Chrome/Brave

I have a strange behaviour in my Chrome-based browsers. I cannot open/upload/save/download files. It does not show me the "file open" dialogue when I press an upload button on any website. ...
q9f's user avatar
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Dysfunctional desktop

I'm having problems with the behaviour of the Ubuntu 22.04 desktop. I don't know why, the block button stopped working. I mean the "lock" icon key in the Logitech MX Keys. I think it stopped ...
César Arquero Cabral's user avatar
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Linux container for desktop experience

Just out of curiosity, are there any cases of it being possible to have a Linux container be the user-facing desktop environment instead of it being interacted with via the command line or any "...
Melab's user avatar
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gThumb won't open from its own .desktop file nor from thunar, xdg-open is ok

gThumb doesn't start when launched from Thunar (right click, open with, gThumb). I also can't run it with dex /user/local/share/application/org.gnome.gThumb.desktop. In both cases nothing happens, no ...
fabien-michel's user avatar
2 votes
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How to restore desktop color settings?

OS is Debian 12. Video driver is Nvidia 525.147.05. I'm trying to play an older game via wine that uses directx. (diablo 2). I launched the game in windowed mode, but when I did so, the colors of the ...
cat pants's user avatar
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18 votes
6 answers

Can I run GUI programs without needing a desktop environment?

I use Raspbian (i.e. Debian) Linux. I have been doing some reading but am still unclear. It seems to me when you boot to command line, it's not really made to use GUI stuff like mpv. Is there a ...
1toneboy's user avatar
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How to stop an app from Requesting Attention/Alerting/Appearing in the Task Manager of multiple virtual desktops in KDE?

I commonly have this issue with both Unity and KakaoTalk - the apps constantly do this "alert" or "Request Attention" state where they appear orange and become visible on the task ...
Dr-Bracket's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

How do I "show desktop" in Fedora 38 with mouse?

I know I could set up shortcut key for "show desktop", but I need to do it with a mouse. What do I click to show the desktop? Os is default Fedora 38 with Gnome desktop. I asked ChatGPT and ...
Ohto Nordberg's user avatar
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Some folders on KDE Desktop does not follow accent color

Using Debian 12 with KDE Plasma 5.27.5, I went to System Settings -> Appearance -> Colors and set my accent color to purple, so my folders and highlighted stuff looks in that color, but some (...
wololoo's user avatar
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How do I add shortcuts on Desktop in Debian 12 (Bookworm)?

I changed from Kali Linux to simple Debian and I dislike the results so far. Previously I had shortcuts on the desktop but switching to Debian 12 there are no shortcuts? How do I add them?
Apoliticalboy's user avatar
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GUI volume indicator in Openbox

I am using plain openbox as my window manager. I have configured keyboard special keys, such as XF86AudioMute, XF86AudioLowerVolume and XF86AudioRaiseVolume. But how can I get the gui indicator, when ...
Martin Vegter's user avatar
-1 votes
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I am looking for a linux distrution that still supports fvwm2 windowmanager

I am looking to build a desktop with servers. Debian, Ubuntu redhat.... I want to avoid snaps if possible.
Tom Watson's user avatar
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Ricing Xclock Colors

I have edited the ~/.Xresources file for the forground and backgorund of Xclock: xclock*foreground: #ebdbb2 xclock*background: #282828 Only the background shows up. The forground remains the default ...
Xclock Ricer's user avatar
7 votes
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ffmpeg: record screen area selected by mouse

I have found a ffmpeg command to record area of my screen: ffmpeg -video_size 2000x1600 -framerate 25 -f x11grab -i :0.0+2140,280 output.mp4 But to find the correct area, I had to do multiple trial/...
Martin Vegter's user avatar
0 votes
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Geo-spoofing (a desktop app for Debian)?

I want to spoof my location on my android device without jailbreaking. I saw this post about desktop software that can spoof mobile device via usb. Can you please help me find a free alternative that ...
Elad Benda's user avatar
-1 votes
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Bash script via .desktop save to variable external filename with fullpath

ok i try to make the most resumed the points i want to do. Sorry for the repetions i don't know how make this question more objectively The first i am making a script for launch "mupen64plus"...
Inukaze's user avatar
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Make firefox open url in currently selected virtual desktop

Recently, i tried to organize my computer using KDE's virtual desktops, so windows that i open on my gaming desktop do not disturb me when i'm on my working desktop. But there is a problem with ...
Mysaa's user avatar
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Don't set wm_class of "Navigator" when starting Firefox

I'm starting Firefox as follows: /usr/bin/firefox --no-remote -P Fastmail --class "FastmailFF" The ultimate goal is to figure out a command to put in a .desktop file which will have it's ...
EoghanM's user avatar
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In Ubuntu 22 file explorer GUI, how to add "Desktop" to left hand side shortcuts?

Have tried to search for it, but only get answers for the normal sidebar. Here is a screenshot where I have opened the file explorer on my recent Ubuntu 22 machine: How do I add a Desktop shortcut to ...
Gaussia's user avatar
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Why can't create a shortcut icon in start menu?

I can create a shortcut icon in the start menu for firefox: sudo vim /usr/share/applications/firefox.desktop [Desktop Entry] Encoding=UTF-8 Name=Mozilla Firefox not esr Comment=Browse the World Wide ...
showkey's user avatar
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Catalog of keyboard shortcuts

Is there anything remotely like a catalog of all keyboard shortcuts used by Linux applications? I work with AutoKey, an X11 desktop automation application that allows various desktop tasks to be ...
Joe's user avatar
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In gnome desktop, the mouse is on the black desktop and can't do anything on Debian 11

When I enter the gnome GUI desktop on Debian 11, the mouse is shown on the black desktop and I can't do any other things. That is my computer screen is black but the cursor is on the screen and I can ...
Y. zeng's user avatar
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How to add new folder to the list of personal folders (Documents, Download, etc)

I would like to add some very used folders to the list of personal/important folders in Files (or Dolphin, or Places) - (Documents, Downloads, NewFolder1, NewFolder2, etc). This folders are located in ...
Emerson Soares's user avatar
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How to set the Exec when bash command is too long?

The desktop file works fine: [Desktop Entry] Type=Action Name=unrar zip or rar file Profiles=unrar [X-Action-Profile unrar] MimeTypes=inode/directory Exec=bash -c "unar /home/test.rar -o /tmp;...
newview's user avatar
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Independent multipoint support in the same desktop session

I'd like to be able to collaborate with others in the same desktop environment, but not necessarily share the same cursor, keyboard, or other xinput masters. This is because many powerful desktop ...
Jacob Valdez's user avatar
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Stuck w/ xterm on Xfce

I want to run a terminal application and created a desktop entry in /usr/share/applications. For some reason, Terminal=true in the entry fires up xterm even though: TERM=x-terminal-emulator exo-...
jaam's user avatar
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How can find the folder which contains the icon in the desktop?

There is an icon in my Desktop: I want to find the icon file. ls Desktop | rg wps wps-office-prometheus.desktop List the contents in wps-office-prometheus.desktop: cat Desktop/wps-office-prometheus....
newview's user avatar
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openbox+fbpanel: highlight current window when using Alt + Tab

I am using openbox 3.6.1-8 on Debian 10. When I use Alt+Tab to cycle through open windows, I see the preview of the applications as I am cycling through them in the middle of my screen: unfortunately ...
Martin Vegter's user avatar
0 votes
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Is a wine TTY instance possible?

I would like to know if I could connect to a wine desktop interface, like I do for Cinnamon, KDE or else. I've noticed that wine doesn't use the x-server, but the wine application to load window ...
user avatar
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font madness on linux desktop

I am using Debian 10. fc-list shows following fonts installed on my system: $ fc-list | cut -d':' -f2 | sort -u Bitstream Charter Century Schoolbook L Courier 10 Pitch DejaVu Sans DejaVu Sans Mono ...
Martin Vegter's user avatar
5 votes
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How to set the default application to open folders?

I'm really stuck; I want to add Open with vs code to the folders context menu following the same approach as for files by means of the so-called MIME; editing the file ~/.config/mimeapps.list allows ...
EnthusiastiC's user avatar
1 vote
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How can I stop Chrome (re)creating this file on my desktop on every boot

Since installing Chrome on my system (POP!_OS 22.04), every time I log in I am greeted by this annoying file which has placed itself on my desktop. If I delete it, it simply recreates itself again. I'...
Inigo's user avatar
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Spam or serious logins? Notifications of desktop recently disconnect on my linux machine

apologies if the question sound silly but I'm a fairly basic user with very little experience. I got a notification on my computer (see picture) that a desktop computer had disconnected from my laptop....
Martina's user avatar
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How to increase GNOME timed wallpaper repaint frequency?

I'm setting up a timed wallpaper in GNOME, but when duration is configured to be < 1 second, it doesn't work as expected. The duration (or each frame) is timed correctly, however the desktop ...
Seth Falco's user avatar
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How to turn off xwindow screen saver?

I'm using xfce-desktop environment.I want to turn off the screen saver. What I have tried: xset s 0 0 xset s off sleep 1; xset s off sleep 1; xset s noblank The xset q command result: Keyboard ...
waltermitty's user avatar
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Limit mouse / pen tablet to a single app (i.e. Krita)

Multi seating use case (Using Kubuntu 22.04.1 / Plasma5) with single display: Huge 65/4K Desktop Screen with plenty of space Second mouse/Tablet/Keyboard USB input devices plugged on the same ...
Pivert's user avatar
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4 votes
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GNOME: Automatic window placement according to a set of rules

KDE Plasma has an extremely useful set of features ("KWin Rules") that can automatically apply a number of characteristics (position, size, workspace, etc.) to windows according to a ...
user137063's user avatar
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How to reinstall packages that were accidentally deleted

So I was trying to fix my pulseaudio and I ran the following 2 commands sudo apt-get -f install && sudo apt-get -y autoremove && sudo apt-get autoclean && sudo apt-get clean &...
Dyskord's user avatar
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Setting specific video configuration for all users (RHEL 7.9 and nVidia RTX4000 w/nvidia driver)

Bottom Line Up Front: where do I need to go in RHEL to define a video configuration that applies to all users of the workstation? My hardware setup is an nVidia RTX4000 driving a "standard" ...
CaptAlgorithm's user avatar
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How to turn the screen total/pitch black in GNOME?

Use case / Problem I wanna hear music in the night with my laptop/device and as such I want the screen to be black, as I don't want to get dazzled in the night. Tried workarounds/“solutions” As such, …...
rugk's user avatar
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how to change the kde4 plasma desktop to folder view for all users

I see there is one solution for individual user,, and my question is, how to change that for all users? is ...
Joey Sun's user avatar
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How to make file manager confirm file deletion?

When I select a file in the file manager and press the delete key, the file is moved to trash right away. I'd like to have the file manager prompt me for confirmation before moving any files to the ...
Starfish's user avatar
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How to configure KDE start menu to pop when pressing "Meta" key

For an unknown reason the shortcut to display the desktop menu by pressing the windows key (aka. meta )⊞ on the keyboard is not working anymore on KDE desktop. So of course I can click on it or assign ...
vinalti's user avatar
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How to remember or apply Num Lock state based on which keyboard is connected?

I use my laptop on 2 different desks, both with different external keyboards. One of them I generally use with Num Lock on, the other with Num Lock off (the only arrows it has are in the numpad, it's ...
Bart van Heukelom's user avatar

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