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How to create an alias for two Git commands that use a parameter? [duplicate]

I regularly have to delete a local and remote Git branch. Therefore, I run the following commands: $ git branch -d feature-branch $ git push --delete origin feature-branch Since I mostly execute ...
JJD's user avatar
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How to add an alias for 'git add **/'

I can't seem to add an alias for git add **/ I think those two asterisks is causing an issue, or it could be that forward slash. How do I solve this? So far I have tried alias ga='git add **/' When ...
Faraz Durrani's user avatar
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Create new set of aliases based on current set of aliases (eg. gst -> dst)?

I'm using git aliases from zsh plugins: So it has git aliases like: gst # git status ga # git add gc "commit" # git commit -v "...
Yuchen Zhang's user avatar
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Using zsh alias to quickly clone a git repository with custom folder name

I want an alias shortcut to achieve the following: Clone a github repository with a custom folder name Open it in my fav text editor (atom) I currently use this inside ~/.zshrc: alias quickstart="...
hyang123's user avatar
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Conditional Git alias within zsh: "parse error: condition expected: cd" [duplicate]

I'm trying to implement a simple stack of git-related aliases for my personal dotfiles. alias gs="[[ $(git rev-parse --is-inside-work-tree &> /dev/null) ]] || cd $D && git status -...
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