I'm trying to apply the policy I got by running iptables-legacy-save using iptables-nft-restore. When I do, this I get this error. When I search for this error, all I can find is a paywalled redhat site. What does this error mean?

  • From RedHat page (linked to an EKS issue) : This is there to prevent Stack Overflows, EMLINK is the return signal for too many links. AWS link to issue github.com/aws/amazon-vpc-cni-k8s/issues/2373
    – admstg
    Commented Jun 27 at 13:01
  • So effectively this means that my policy has too many jumps, or do gotos also increase the stack? Is there any way to increase this value in nf_tables? It doesn't look like it
    – Philippe
    Commented Jun 27 at 18:06


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