I have a dual boot PC with old versions of Kubuntu and Windows installed.
I can't upgrade Windows but I can/want to upgrade Kubuntu.
The Kubuntu installed version:

Kubuntu version: 13.10
Qt Version: 4.8.4
KDE Libs 4.11.3
Kernel version 3.11.0-12-generic 
OS Type: 64 bit

Is it possible to just install the latest Kubuntu on top (i.e. insert the DVD iso and start the installation) without breaking the dual boot? Or should I try to upgrade incrementally via updates?

In case it matters, I don't care about losing any data from the installed Kubuntu. What I am interested in is that the dual boot with the current Windows system along with any files in the Windows installation are not affected by the process

  • I think both your proposed ways should work. The first way would delete the user data you might have, because I would propose to format partitions. Otherwise, many old Kubuntu files might remain on drive. The second option is even safer, but would take much more time.
    – nobody
    Commented Jan 29 at 13:20
  • @nobody: 1) Are you referring to the user data in the Kubuntu installation? Or it can affect the Windows user data too? 2) what would be the problem of many old kubuntu files remaining? I have 500GB hard disk so I don't really care if a couple e.g. 1-2 GB of HD is left with garbage from the old Kubuntu.
    – Jim
    Commented Jan 29 at 14:07
  • @nobody: how would I go about an incremental upgrade? Currently I get errors of unreachable repositories etc
    – Jim
    Commented Jan 29 at 14:08
  • I am reffering to the user data in the Kubuntu installation? Windows installation should remain untouched. The problem of remaining old kubuntu files is mainly space and possibly some program using wrong library left on the drive (not very likely). However, I have never tried to install a new Ubunutu over the old one. I am not sure how it works. I think it should, but usually I rather formatted the partition to make sure it is clean.
    – nobody
    Commented Jan 30 at 7:13
  • Incremental upgrade will not work out of the box, because old distributions are not available any more on original addresses. You have to change the links to the repositories. Here are one of available instructions help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades
    – nobody
    Commented Jan 30 at 7:14


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