how to open multiple tabs, from the command line, in gnome-terminal v3.44.0 (ubuntu 22.04), while running one custom command on each tab?

every other question/answer I found have answers about using -e option that is denied in gnome-terminal v3.44.0 in ubuntu 22.04.

So, all the answers I tried failed...

How to make it work now???

(I also found nothing helpful to workaround it thru qdbus)

1 Answer 1


I found that, if I use another terminal like xterm to try to create tabs in the gnome-terminal, it will always fail. But if I do that from inside gnome-terminal it works!

gnome-terminal -- \
  bash -c " \
   gnome-terminal --tab -t a -- bash -c \"echo $RANDOM;sleep 100\"; \
   gnome-terminal --tab -t b -- bash -c \"echo $RANDOM;sleep 100\"; \
   gnome-terminal --tab -t c -- bash -c \"echo $RANDOM;sleep 100\"; \

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