The manpage for objdump states:

    The optional demangling style argument can be used to choose an appropriate demangling style for your compiler.

Nowhere does it mention what possible styles are recognized by the program. Wherever I have found reference to the --demangle option in form posts, there is also no mention of the possible style options. How can anyone find out?

1 Answer 1


I looked on the sources and I found the solution, and also I found some misleading information on objdump:

You should use objdump -H to get the list of available styles. Just running objdump give you misleading information: -H Display this information, which it is not. -H gives you much more data.

In any case, on my system:

-C, --demangle[=STYLE]         Decode mangled/processed symbol names
                               STYLE can be "none", "auto", "gnu-v3",
                               "java", "gnat", "dlang", "rust"

Note: not what I expected. I was thinking more C++ variants (anybody still remember the few ABI changes some years ago?)

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