I've created a systemd-nspawn container in which /dev/fb1 from the host is bound as /dev/fb0. I've set PrivateUsers=off in the .nspawn config file, and the file ownership and permissions of /dev/fb0 in the container appear to be the same as /dev/fb1 on the host. Running cat /dev/urandom >/dev/fb1 on the host works as expected ('no space left on device' error), but if I boot the container, and log in to it as root (with machinectl) cat /dev/urandom >/dev/fb0 fails with 'Operation not permitted'. I also tried to write to it using dd -if /dev/urandom -of /dev/fb0, and that gave the error 'dd: failed to open '/dev/fb0': Operation not permitted'. I've tested other commands that would require root access, such as chmod and chown, and my root user in the container is able to run those.

If I bind /dev/fb1 as itself (i.e. just Bind=/dev/fb1), then the write operation is permitted.

Does anyone know why I can't open the file for writes from within the container?

This is the .nspawn config:



This is the systemd-nspawn service override file for the container:

DeviceAllow=/dev/fb0 rw
DeviceAllow=char-input rw
DeviceAllow=char-drm rw

(I'm sure some of this config is unnecessary -- I've just been chucking in everything I can think of to solve my problem.)

  • Have you tried changing "DeviceAllow=/dev/fb0 rw" to "DeviceAllow=/dev/fb1 rw"? From the perspective of the host system (where the service override is applied), the container is trying to access /dev/fb1 (even though the container sees it as /dev/fb0).
    – ATLief
    Commented Feb 19 at 21:40
  • @ATLief, thanks for the suggestion. I don't think I tried that, though the fact that the binding was writable when it was bound as /dev/fb1 (i.e. not renamed in the container) makes me think that you might be on to something. I can't test it now, but I'll try when I next get a chance.
    – Clydog
    Commented Feb 20 at 11:12


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