I'm a new user of ARM arch (MacOS main OS) laptop, and I don't know why the VM I installed doesn't have this shortcut.

Anyone knows how to add this type of shortcut? I tried a lot of different stuff without success.


  • bind Shift + Left Arrow to select one word backwards

    bindkey "^[[1;2D" backward-word-end;
  • bind Shift + Right Arrow to select one word forwards

    bindkey "^[[1;2C" forward-word-end;
  • bind Shift + Up Arrow to select to the beginning of the line

    bindkey "^[[1;2A" beginning-of-line-text;
  • bind Shift + Down Arrow to select to the end of the line

    bindkey "^[[1;2B" end-of-line;

These are the commands I have tried to add to .zshrc and none of them worked.

Main operating system is MacOS and I am using Parallels with Kali Linux 2022.2

  • 1
    The actual terminal emulator in use isn't stated. Most of the GUI terminals copy xterm, for which the binding should work. The Linux console generally (unless specially configured) won't send those sequences. Commented Feb 5, 2023 at 11:03
  • So actually u cant use that kind of commands on Kali ARM arch??
    – Helix
    Commented Feb 5, 2023 at 14:35


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