Amazon Linux 2 -- historically a cloud offering -- is also offered as an on-premise solution for various setups.

The two most popular on-premise solutions are:

  • Virtual Machine (e.g. KVM, Oracle VirtualBox, VMware, Microsoft Hyper-V)
  • Container (i.e. Docker)

However, for convenience and simplicity, I would like to run Amazon Linux 2 in Parallels on Apple Silicon (e.g. M1 CPU).

What I've tried:

  • Install Homewbrew
  • Install qemu to get access to the qemu-convert
    brew install qemu
  • Download the kvm "qcow2" ARM64 image of Amazon Linux 2
  • Convert the image to "vdi" format:
    qemu-img convert -f qcow2 amzn2-kvm-2.qcow2 -O vdi amzn2-kvm-2.vdi

... however Parallels says the following:

"Parallels doesn't support the EFI boot loader for this guest OS type or architecture"

enter image description here

I've also tried to edit the VM's config.pvs with an XML editor and via bios flag to try to disable EFI without success, Parallels will always say something like "A critical error has occurred while reading/writing to Hard Disk 0 used by Amazon Linux 2".

Crosspost to the same question on Parallels Forums: https://forum.parallels.com/threads/apple-silicon-support-for-amazon-linux-2.357286/ (deleted)

Reddit thread using UTM: https://www.reddit.com/r/aws/comments/rxat5m/run_amzn2_kvm_arm64xfsgptqcow2_image_onprem_with/



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