I have text file that has arguments of curl command. This is how the file looks

'https://example.com/tl/' -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' --data-raw '{"email":"username2",}'
'https://example.com/tl/' -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' --data-raw '{"email":"username3",}'
'https://example.com/tl/' -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' --data-raw '{"email":"username4",}'
'https://example.com/tl/' -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' --data-raw '{"email":"username5",}'
'https://example.com/tl/' -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' --data-raw '{"email":"username6",}'

This is the command I use

cat /AbsolutePath/Inputfile.txt | xargs -P 10000 -n 10 curl -s | jq '.message'

I'm using jq, to parse json in command line

What I want is,

  1. Pipe or send output of above command to another command, so that if message has certain text, grab the email value used in that corresponding curl command and write to a log file or create a filename with usernameX.txt

For example, only if username2 and username5 cURL command's message = 'success', these two usernames should be written to a log file or two files username2.txt and username5.txt should be created.

  • 1. why -P 10000? Does your system have 10,000 CPU cores? Extremely unlikely, but if it does, do you want to bombard the remote server with 10,0000 simultaneous requests? and expect not to get your IP address blocked? 2. Why -n 10? There aren't 10 args on each line. and xargs won't handle them the way you seem to think it does. 3. you'd be better off running curl from xargs inside a sh -c script. Or instead of xargs, use gnu parallel or even a simple for loop. 4. do you mean to pipe all of xargs' output into jq in one go (as you're currently doing), or once for each curl command?
    – cas
    Commented Jan 4, 2022 at 13:34
  • 1. My system doesn't have that many cores. Do you think using gnu parallel can send 10000 requests despite computer having normal quad/octa core? I'm doing stress testing on my servers, so no worries on ip blocking. 2. I still couldn't wrap my head around -n and maxprocs. Is this -X POST considered as one argument?
    – sofs1
    Commented Jan 4, 2022 at 13:38
  • Each line will be treated as 7 arguments by xargs. The single quotes will be removed. There are better tools for stress testing a web server, including ab (Apache Benchmark tool). You don't say what unix-like OS you're using but on Debian, ab is in the apache2-utils package. Other Linux distros probably have it in a similarly-named package.
    – cas
    Commented Jan 4, 2022 at 13:55
  • A) Sorry I'm lost now. From where the number 7 come into picture? Is it based on my example input? B) I already spent 2 days juddling between xargs and gnu parallel. Just test gnu parallel in my local machine. DEfault Ubuntu OS that comes with AWS Ec2 instances is my target machine. But thanks for suggesting ab. I did hear about it.
    – sofs1
    Commented Jan 4, 2022 at 14:01
  • Do you think Ubuntu OS with say ~24cores can handle(send) 10000 reqs/second?
    – sofs1
    Commented Jan 4, 2022 at 14:11

3 Answers 3


To meet you requirement, each "message" of the output needs to be associated with its corresponding inputted "mail".

The easy way may be replacing the curl with your own shell script that can output both the given mail and its curl result. A simple, unsafe version maybe like this

#! /bin/bash
# print <mail> <message> 
jq .mail -rj "${@: -1]}"      # print mail without newline
echo -n " "                  
curl -s "$@" | jq .message -r

Then pipe the result to awk '$2=="success"{print $1}'

Other than that, you may try this

cat /AbsolutePath/Inputfile.txt |
    xargs -P 10000 -n 10 curl -s |
    jq -s 'to_entries|.[]|select(.value.message=="success")|.key+1' |
    awk 'FILENAME=="-"{line[$0]=1}  FILENAME != "-" && line[FNR]==1{print gensub(/.*--data-raw /, "", "g", $0)}' - /AbsolutePath/Inputfile.txt | 
    jq .mail -r

Basically, the jq get the indexes of success messages and the awk reads the indexes and retrieves the last part of corresponding nth line from the file.


Suggesting to use simple awk script.

awk script

awk '{system("curl "$0)}' /AbsolutePath/Inputfile.txt | jq

awk script filtering success message

awk '{system("curl "$0)}' /AbsolutePath/Inputfile.txt | grep "success"


cat input.txt |
  xargs -P0 -L1 sh -c 'curl -s "$@" | jq -c --arg username $(echo "${@: -1}" | jq -r .email) "{\$username, message}"' sh |
  jq -r 'select(.message == "success") | .username'


You requested to print username depending on its corresponding response body, but your input file are composed of curl arguments and you didn't mention whether or not the response body contains username.

Thus I decide to parse your last argument to get username first, for example:

cat input.txt |
  xargs -P0 -L1 sh -c 'curl -s "$@" | jq -c --arg username $(echo "${@: -1}" | jq -r .email) "{\$username, message}"' sh

After you retrieved a list of JSON object composed of username and message pair, we can easily filter the steam by the following command:

jq -r 'select(.message == "success") | .username'
cat input.txt |
  xargs -P0 -L1 sh -c 'curl -s "$@" | jq -c --arg username $(echo "${@: -1}" | jq -r .email) "{\$username, message}"' sh |
  jq -r 'select(.message == "success") | .username'

FYI here is the Ruby HTTP server I used for debugging.

rackup -rjson -b 'run ->(_) { [200, {}, [JSON.dump(message: rand(2) == 0 ? "success" : "failure")]] }'

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