In the ex editor, one can show line numbers by default by adding this line to a .exrc file:

set number

Is there a way to have ed start with line numbers showing by default, when lines are invoked?

1 Answer 1


No, there isn't. You have to remember to use the n command in place of p when looking at lines, or in place of . when looking at the current line, or to add n in places when the default is to print a line without line number (if allowed).

If you use the z command to look at portions of the buffer at a time, e.g. 10 lines at a time from line 1 with 1z10 and then z repeatedly to see the next 10 lines etc., then instead use 1z10n and zn to do the same thing with line numbers.

You can get the s/// command to print the result of a substitution with a line number using s///n.

Use g/re/n in place of g/re/p to get numbering of the lines that matches the regular expression re.

It all comes down to getting used to using n when needed.

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