So, Let's say I have the following pattern:


in a file called file.

And I want to match the exact string above but for whatever reason, I choose to loop over some numbers from a list, use those as variable and try to do this:


Where the above $varhere is equal to the number above, being 1. (while i mentioned looping over number, this was just a future possible use cases for this and remain an example)

Now to make things easier, say I want to match the above exact pattern while using the above variable and it's content:

grep 'Thisisatest="$varhere"' file

Where file contain the string Thisisatest="1" and $varhere contain the number 1.

Problem being, this wouldn't work because variable expansion doesn't occur when in-between single quotes (like above).

Here the failed attempt at countering this:

  1. substitution of content from variable substitution
echo "${varhere/[0-9]*/Thisisatest=\"$varhere\"}"

Here I use echo to see if it output the right string so it can be used as input for grep...it output this instead:

  1. Add more quotes
echo "'Thisisatest="${varhere}"'"


echo ''''Thisisatest=\"${varhere}\"''''



The rest is obvious... Now the very last attempt above seems to be close to what i want, but still not it.

Any way(s) to do the above?

1 Answer 1

grep "Thisisatest=\"${varhere}\""

works for me. "\" flips the "I am a special character" flag of the following character through ONE shell interpretation.

  • This works! I did try to escape some of the double quote in other attempt, but didn't come up with this one as you did. :) Commented May 31, 2021 at 18:10
  • Any advantage with \"${x}\"" over \"$x\"" ?
    – ibuprofen
    Commented May 31, 2021 at 18:31
  • 1
    Not in this case. But if you $x = y and you want y1 then ${x}1 is the best way to get it. $x1 will instead look for variable $x1
    – user10489
    Commented May 31, 2021 at 19:10
  • 1
    @user10489: Yes. If one have a alpha-numeric following the variable it is obviously the best way, I simply wondered if there is any quirks to it beyond that.
    – ibuprofen
    Commented May 31, 2021 at 19:52
  • 1
    It's not a bad habit to always isolate variables like that.
    – user10489
    Commented May 31, 2021 at 20:42

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