I'm trying to limit the incoming and outgoing bandwidth with latency through a specific port using TC but I can't get it to work 100%. I'm not sure if I've done it correctly.

When I ping google, the latency is added. I have used iperf to test the bandwidth through port 5001. The bandwidth throttle seems to work on the client where I have applied the settings below (client as iperf -s, incoming), however if I use this client (outgoing) to connect to another one, the bandwidth is restricted to 1-2 mbit instead of the expected 5mbit.

What I would like to, for example, is to have the latency set to 100ms, bandwidth outgoing/incoming throttled to 5mbit, all these rules applied to port 5001. Am I on the correct path or have I misunderstood the concept of tc?

Ip link add name ifb0 type ifb 2>/dev/null || :
Ip link set dev ifb0 up
Tc qdisc add dev ifb0 root handle 1: htb
Tc class dev ifb0 parent 1: classid 1:20 htb rate 5mbit
Tc qdisc add dev ifb0 parent 1:20 handle 20: sfq perturb 10
Tc filter add dev ifb0 parent 1: protocol ip prio 1 basic match ‘cmp(u16 at 2 layer transport eq 5001)’ flowid 1:20
Tc qdisc add dev ens192 root netem delay 200ms
Tc qdisc add dev ens192 ingress
Tc filter add add dev ens192 ingress protocol ip basic match ‘cmp(u16 at 2 layer transport eq 5001)’ action mirred egress redirect dev ifb0

1 Answer 1


Here's a script that I used to run when my ISP had buffer bloat problems a couple of years ago. It needs to be run as root to start and stop but you can run status without root.

# Traffic shaping script (AQM, fq_codel+tbf)
# Copyright 2018,2019 Mikko Rantalainen <[email protected]>
# License: MIT (X11)
# Usage:
#   21/0.8 Mbps connection (ADSL2): DOWNLINK_RATE=21.7Mbit UPLINK_RATE=0.8Mbit TBF_LATENCY=500ms DOWNLINK_BURST=1500 UPLINK_BURST=1500 bin/traffic-shaping start
#   100/100 Mbps connection: ./traffic-shaping
#   1/1 GBps connection: DOWNLINK_RATE=1Gbit UPLINK_RATE=1Gbit TBF_LATENCY=15ms bin/traffic-shaping start
# Note that using low TBF_LATENCY will require powerful CPU.
# See also: https://www.bufferbloat.net/projects/codel/wiki/Best_practices_for_benchmarking_Codel_and_FQ_Codel/
# See also: http://www.jfcarter.net/~jimc/documents/voip-qos-1609.html
# TODO: man 7 tc-hfcs (instead of tbf)
# TODO: try to limit bandwidth using fq_codel only (get rid of tbf) - https://gist.github.com/eqhmcow/939373/8d2e8ad745a7e0a8ddb21abde42538034c2ea65b
set -e # abort if a command returns non-zero status (failed)
#set -x # verbose execution

# Note: ip route sometimes outputs multiple lines with prefix "default", use the first one
DEV="${DEV:=$(ip route | grep "^default " | head -n1 | grep -Po "(?<=dev )[^ ]+")}"

# ingress:
DOWNLINK_RATE="${DOWNLINK_RATE:=103000kbit}" # or e.g. "21.5Mbit"
# egress:

CODEL_INTERVAL="${CODEL_INTERVAL:=100ms}" # usually 100ms, high speed links with low latency may need lower values
CODEL_TARGET="${CODEL_TARGET:=5ms}" # unit "us" is also available, usually 5%-10% of CODEL_INTERVAL
CODEL_LIMIT="${CODEL_LIMIT:=1001}" # decrease to reduce latency, too low values will limit throughput

# set burst as high as possible without causing dropped packets at the start of the connections

TBF_LATENCY="${TBF_LATENCY:=10ms}" # set to lower latency to improve control over bandwidth limiting, UPLINK_BURST bytes must be able to be sent in this time

IFB="$DEV.in" # logically this should be $DEV.ingress but max limit might be exceeded (e.g. dev = enp0s29u1u6 -> enp0s29u1u6.ingress is too long

INITCWND="${INITCWND:=15}" # initial congestion window, decrease if packet loss is seen
INITRWND="${INITRWND:=30}" # initial receiving window (advertised from client to servers), can be safely pretty high if you have lots of bandwidth (Windows and OS X have this near 40)

# See also: https://www.cdnplanet.com/blog/tune-tcp-initcwnd-for-optimum-performance/

# See also: https://www.acc.umu.se/~maswan/linux-netperf.txt

# See also: http://intronetworks.cs.luc.edu/1/html/newtcps.html

# See also: https://www.ietf.org/proceedings/84/slides/slides-84-iccrg-1.pdf

    # EGRESS (outgoing traffic, "uploads"):

    # setup bandwidth limiting:
    tc qdisc add dev "$DEV" root handle 1: tbf rate "$UPLINK_RATE" burst "$UPLINK_BURST" latency "$TBF_LATENCY"

    # setup fq_codel for bandwidth shaping
    tc qdisc add dev "$DEV" parent 1: fq_codel quantum 300 limit "$CODEL_LIMIT" target "$CODEL_TARGET" interval "$CODEL_INTERVAL" flows "$CODEL_FLOWS" noecn

    # INGRESS (incoming traffic, "downloads"):

    ip link show ifb0 >&/dev/null && HAD_IFB0=1 || HAD_IFB0=0
    ip link show ifb1 >&/dev/null && HAD_IFB1=1 || HAD_IFB1=0

    # setup bandwidth limiting (ingress limiting needs IFB or Intermediate Functional Block, see https://wiki.linuxfoundation.org/networking/ifb):
    tc qdisc add dev "$DEV" handle ffff: ingress
    ip link add name "$IFB" type ifb
    tc qdisc add dev "$IFB" root handle 1: tbf rate "$DOWNLINK_RATE" burst "$DOWNLINK_BURST" latency "$TBF_LATENCY"

    # setup fq_codel for bandwidth shaping
    tc qdisc add dev "$IFB" parent 1: fq_codel quantum 300 limit "$CODEL_LIMIT" target "$CODEL_TARGET" interval "$CODEL_INTERVAL" flows "$CODEL_FLOWS" ecn
    ip link set dev "$IFB" up

    # connect ingress filtering to actual WAN device
    tc filter add dev "$DEV" parent ffff: protocol all prio 10 u32 match u32 0 0 flowid 1:1 action mirred egress redirect dev "$IFB"

    # Configure initcwnd and initrwnd
    # Note that "ip route" sometimes emit multiple lines with prefix "default" - we'll use first one always
    ip route change $(ip route | grep ^default | head -n1) initcwnd "$INITCWND" initrwnd "$INITRWND"

    ## configure CDG congestion control algorithm
    ##modprobe tcp_cdg && echo cdg > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_congestion_control
    # cubic seems to be better overall with AQM, let's tune it
    echo cubic > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_congestion_control || true
    echo 13 > /sys/module/tcp_cubic/parameters/hystart_low_window

    echo 0 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_slow_start_after_idle
    # TODO: try modprobe tcp_westwood
    # Remove any offloading that increases latency (Note that if you don't have enough CPU power, this may reduce max bandwith!)
    # Note that due ethtool braindamage, the names used here do not match with ethtool --show-offload, see 'man ethtool' for details!
    # ignore possible errors and keep going
    ethtool --offload "$DEV" gso off || true
    ethtool --offload "$DEV" gro off || true
    ethtool --offload "$DEV" tx off || true
    ethtool --offload "$DEV" rx off || true
    ethtool --offload "$DEV" rxvlan off || true
    ethtool --offload "$DEV" txvlan off || true
    # cleanup broken ip link add ... type ifb sometimes creating extra ifb links (called "ifb0" and "ifb1")
    test "$HAD_IFB0" = "0" && ip link show ifb0 >&/dev/null && ip link del ifb0
    test "$HAD_IFB1" = "0" && ip link show ifb1 >&/dev/null && ip link del ifb1

#set -x
    tc qdisc list | grep -q "ingress" && tc qdisc del dev "$DEV" ingress || true
    # Note: we need to avoid removing root qdisc in case this kernel defaults to fq_codel, "qdisc list" will output "fq_codel 0:" for root qdisc so we look for something different
    tc qdisc list | grep -q "fq_codel [1-9]" && tc qdisc del dev "$DEV" root || true
    ip link show | grep -q "$IFB" && ip link del "$IFB" || true

    # configure CDG congestion control algorithm
    modprobe tcp_cdg && echo cdg > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_congestion_control || true
#set +x

        echo "─── queue discipline configuration: ──────────────────"
        tc qdisc list
        echo "   TIP: use e.g. 'sudo tc qdisc del dev $DEV ingress' to remove ingress filtering"
        echo "   TIP: use e.g. 'sudo tc qdisc del dev $DEV root' to remove egress filtering"
        echo "─── ip link show: ────────────────────────────────────"
        ip link show
        echo "   TIP: use e.g. 'sudo ip link del $IFB' to remove ingress device"

    status | grep --color=auto -E "^|$DEV|$IFB|rate [^ ]+"

# handle parameters

shift || true

while [ ! -z "$1" ]
    case "$1" in
            echo "Device: $DEV"
            echo "Downlink rate (ingress): $DOWNLINK_RATE"
            echo "Uplink rate (egress): $UPLINK_RATE"
            set -x
            if [ ! -z "$2" ]; then
                echo "Unknown parameter: '$2'" 1>&2
                exit 1
    shift || true

case "$ACTION" in
        echo "Unknown action: $1" 1>&2
        echo "Usage: $0 <start|stop|restart|status> [--verbose|-v]" 1>&2
        exit 1

The way to use that script is to save it as e.g. traffic-shaping and run chmod a+x traffic-shaping to enable the execute bit. Then you can either modify the defaults in the file or use environment variables to configure the script. For example, if you have 100/100 Mbps connection, you could run

DOWNLINK_RATE=95Mbit UPLINK_RATE=95Mbit TBF_LATENCY=25ms ./traffic-shaping start

as root. And to restore default settings run

./traffic-shaping stop

and to show current status run

./traffic-shaping stop

Note that the above settings are not permanent so you need to rerun the script after every boot. I did use that with Ubuntu low-latency (PREEMPT) Linux kernel and TBF_LATENCY=10ms so I don't know what kind of latency you can expect with generic kernel. You may need to set TBF_LATENCY=40ms if you run it with generic kernel. If you run the start without any environment variables set, you'll end up with my own config that I used for 100/100 Mbps FTTH connection with low-latency kernel. If you have less than 20 Mbps connection, you probably want to set DOWNLINK_BURST=1500 UPLINK_BURST=1500 to avoid causing short spikes at the start of new connections that may cause packet loss. For slow uplink, you may also need to decrease INITCWND (this script defaults to 15) if you suffer packet loss / high latency for the start of the connection to fast servers (e.g. web browser traffic). Values in range 7-10 should be okay for 1 Mbps connection.

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