When I am using free -m to check memory status, I get the following:

$ free -m
         total     used     free    shared  buff/cache   available
Mem:      7641     5125      188       739        2327        1476
Swap:     3755        0     3755

This shows 67.07% in used memory and 30.05% in buffered/cache.

However when I look at the System Monitor (I am using Ubuntu 18.04), I see this:

5.9 GB (78.8%) of 7.5 GB

These two do not match up. Can someone shed some light on this?


1 Answer 1


From free: 5128+739=5864, which is close enough to your 5.9 GB. Where's the issue?


  • 2
    Thanks. it seems I had ignored the shared memory usage. They add up, just that I failed to notice. I actually spent some time trying to make sense of it. But I overlooked something shown right there.
    – NurShomik
    Commented Oct 25, 2018 at 0:07

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