I'm trying to port a certain software from one linux device to another. My software has a lot of lines pointing to /sys/bus/spi/devices/spi3.0. In the Linux device I'm porting to, that folder does not exist, it's in another place.

Is there a way to symlink so that the software goes to, say for e.g. "/tmp/folder" instead?

I've been trying to use "ln -s" but I get complaints that the folder "/sys/bus/spi/devices/spi3.0" does not exist. I know there are solutions for this if the device really exists but in my case "/sys/bus/spi/devices/spi3.0" does not exist on the target machine.

1 Answer 1


If you're going to have a symbolic link, it has to be named /spi/devices/spi3.0. If it isn't, nothing will work. So you need:

mkdir -p /spi/devices
ln -s /yournewlocation /spi/device/spi3.0  

If you don't have access to do that, a symbolic link isn't going to help.

  • So there's no way of making a folder there? I don't seem to be able, not even with root access. I'm thinking maybe I should do some virtual/dummy SPI interface with the name spi3.0 and then make a symlink or pipe everything from there to the true interface file.
    – koro
    Commented Jul 11, 2017 at 19:50
  • If you have root access, use those two commands above. The first makes sure you have all the parent folders. The second one makes a symbolic link called /spi/device/spi3.0 which will point at /yournewlocation (obviously, /yournewlocation will be /tmp/folder or whatever). Then you should be able to do cd /spi/device/spi3.0, and also your program should work OK.
    – Bob Eager
    Commented Jul 11, 2017 at 22:31
  • Thanks for helping but it's not working. I think it may be because i'm working with the /sys directory which is part of sysfs (virtual file system). I'm thinking that maybe i should mount a virtual driver there to pose as a fake spi.
    – koro
    Commented Jul 12, 2017 at 7:40

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