I am new in bash scripting. I want to create an interactive script which is prompt user to enter data for editing a file line by line.

The scenario: - Read a file and iterate over each line, I use for in

  • Ask user whether to edit the line or not

  • If yes, do the editing

  • If not, continue to the next line

  • End the interaction after everything finish.

My approach:

# --> get file contents and convert them to an array
readarray thearray < ips.info

# --> Iterate the array and do interactive editing
for item in ${!thearray[@]}; do
 if [[ "$item" == 0 ]]; then
    echo -e "First line: ${thearray[$item]}. Change this line? (y/n)"
    read Useranswer
    if [ $Useranswer = y]; then
        echo "Please type any string:"
        read Firststring    
    elif [ $Useranswer = n]; then
        # not sure what to write here to resume 
echo "Everything done!"

Is there any mistake in my code above and how to resume if the user press n on their keyboard?

  • are you really sure you want to edit the file line by line, of just the first line ?
    – netmonk
    Commented Dec 21, 2015 at 9:53
  • 1
    this statement [ $Useranswer = n]; will throw an error, the closing ] needs to have a space before it, i.e. [ $Useranswer = n ]; Commented Dec 21, 2015 at 9:58
  • If you want to edit the file interactively the best solution would probably be vim
    – Centimane
    Commented Dec 21, 2015 at 11:07

3 Answers 3


you can use the no-op command ( do nothing ) , in shell it is :

elif [ $Useranswer = n]; then

otherwise you can use the exit command, which is used to terminate scripts. The command can have an exit status ranges from 0-255. Only exit 0 means the success, every other exit status code describe some sort of failure (which is not what you need). Also, you could do as follow too :

elif [ $Useranswer = n]; then
    exit 0

But in this case, the rest of the script will not be executed because exit really terminate the script in this point, so eg.: if user press "n" you will never get the output of echo "Everything done!

  • 1
    probably worth mentioning break (or break 2 to break both the if and the for loop) as an alternative to exit as it will break the local block but allow the script to continue Commented Dec 21, 2015 at 9:55

Here is my solution:

# --> get file contents and convert them to an array
readarray thearray < test1

# --> Iterate the array and do interactive editing
declare i=1;
#printf "%s\n" "${thearray[@]}"

while [ $i -le  ${#thearray[@]} ]; do
    echo $i
    echo -e "First line: ${thearray[$i]}. Change this line? (y/n)"
    read Useranswer
    if [ $Useranswer == "y" ]; then

        echo "Please type any string:"
        read Firststring
        let i=$i+1
    elif [ $Useranswer == "n" ]; then
        let i=$i+1
        echo $i
echo "printing results\n"
printf "%s\n" "${thearray[@]}"

echo "Everything done!"

I keept the readarray which is pretty obvious and running well.

I then declare i and set it to 1 and it will help me to loop into the array.

I then use a while loop, iterating until i is not more lower or equal to the size of the array ${#thearray[@]}.

your syntax ${!thearray[@]} is not correct because it is used for associative array to get the list of the whole associated value. It's not working on indexed array.

Then i display the prompt to change the current element of array[$i]. If answer is yes, than i read the answer and set the array[$i] to this value And i increase by one my i. If no, i just increase by 1 i.

when exiting the loop, i display again the array to show the change.

You can save it back to original back if you want to save it.

  • what shell are you using? ${!thearray[@]} works for me on bash Commented Dec 21, 2015 at 10:23

I think this will do what you have asked

#!/usr/bin/env bash

# --> get file contents and convert them to an array
readarray thearray < ips.info

# --> Iterate the array and do interactive editing

for item in ${!thearray[@]}; do
    echo "Line number: "$item
    echo "line contents: "${thearray[$item]}
    echo -n "Change this line? (y/n)"
    read Useranswer
    if [ $Useranswer = y ]; then
        echo -n "Please type any string:"
        read Firststring
        # insert new value into array
    elif [ $Useranswer = n ]; then
        # not sure what to write here to resume 
declare -p thearray
echo "Everything done!"

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