This is more of a long shot, but here we go:

I use oh-my-zsh with the vcs-plugins git and svn on. I now started on a project where it would be most convenient to use sshfs. The problem that now comes up with that is the following: the git plugin runs git stat after every command, which has a terrible performance in a directory mounted via sshfs. I know that I can determine with df -TP . | grep 'fuse.sshfs' whether I am in a sshfs directory.

I just don't know how/where to turn off the respective plugins. Is there a better way than directly altering the git-prompt.plugin.zsh?

1 Answer 1


A "plugin" in OMZ is just a script. You can't disable part of it without modifying the script.

A workaround would be to use Antigen or Zgen, copy the script to some other location, modify it accordingly, and load it as a separate bundle. Both Antigen and Zgen are designed to support OMZ so you won't have to change anything substantive in your setup.

  • Though this comes near to a "not possible", I'll accept… too bad though. Commented Sep 4, 2016 at 22:25
  • 1
    @PatrickJ.S. for years I've been wanting to break up both OMZ and Prezto into standalone scripts with specified dependencies, and then fork a lighter-than-Antigen package manager (probably Zgen or Zilsh) to handle it. One day I'll find the time... Commented Sep 5, 2016 at 0:15

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