I need to monitor the I/O statistics of a process that writes to disk. The purpose is to avoid write rates too high for long periods.

I know there's iostat tool to accomplish this task on a system-wide perspective.

Is there something similar to monitor single process disk usage?


1 Answer 1


What you want is iotop. Most distributions have a package for it, usually called (logically enough) iotop.

One very cool command (at least, on a system that isn't very busy) is iotop -bo. This will show I/O as it occurs. It also has options to only monitor specific processes or processes owned by specified users.

  • thank you, exactly what I wanted :) I ca also filter output of iotop -boP with grep to show only stats of the process I want :) Commented Sep 23, 2011 at 15:08
  • What if you don't have root access, as iotop requires? Commented Feb 6, 2018 at 19:09

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