I have accidentally deleted some Linux Mint Cinnamon default packages. (I have run `remove evolution-*' to remove Evolution related packages, but it includes some core packages).

So now I don't have packages like nemo, cinnamon-settings and so on.

What can I do to reinstall them? Without installing a fresh copy and loosing all personal data.

2 Answers 2


Have a look in:


and you should see all the packages that were removed. You should be able to re-install them.


I've been thinking and actually you can re-install evolution and use some data recovery tools.

You might want to take a look at : sleuthkit, foremost and Data-Recovery on Linux and ext3.

  • If I run apt-get install evolution-*, it would install all removed packages, but it will do it for unnecessary packages too, which I have not installed them before. (neither comes by default nor installed manually )
    – jiun
    Commented Oct 23, 2014 at 15:30

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