How does one get ~/.bashrc aliases to evaluate $() substitutions at run time, instead of at the time that ~/.bashrc is executed (when opening a terminal)?

I run this command often enough that I would like to add an alias for it:

svn diff -r $(svn info | grep ^Revision | awk {'print $2'}):HEAD $(svn info | grep ^URL | awk {'print $2'}) | colordiff

However, when I add it to ~/.bashrc as an alias, I see that the evaluations are hard-coded to the values they had at the time I opened the terminal:

$ alias
alias svnbranch='svn diff -r 178184:HEAD svn+ssh://branches/t4252 | colordiff'

If I open a terminal in ~ then I get errors:

svn: E155007: '/home/dotancohen' is not a working copy
svn: E155007: '/home/dotancohen' is not a working copy
svn: E155007: '/home/dotancohen' is not a working copy
svn: E155007: '/home/dotancohen' is not a working copy
$ alias
alias svnbranch='svn diff -r :HEAD  | colordiff'

I've tried these two variations of the alias in ~/.bashrc, they both have the same effect (as I expected):

alias svnbranch="svn diff -r $(svn info | grep ^Revision | awk {'print $2'}):HEAD $(svn info | grep ^URL | awk {'print $2'}) | colordiff"
alias svnbranch="svn diff -r `svn info | grep ^Revision | awk {'print $2'}`:HEAD `svn info | grep ^URL | awk {'print $2'}` | colordiff"

How does one get ~/.bashrc aliases to evaluate $() substitutions at run time?

Additionally, how would one search for this situation in Google? I've tried to google on "bashrc substitution", "bashrc lazy substitution", and other key phrases, but I've found nothing for what I feel should be a common enough issue to find information on.

  • 2
    Why does it have to be an alias? Move it to a shell script and be done with it. Most *ix type systems put $HOME/bin into the PATH if you have such a directory these days. Commented Apr 28, 2015 at 10:02
  • @WarrenYoung: You are correct, this particular instance could be a script. However, I would still like to know the answer as I do prefer aliases for other things and I'll certainly run into this. I could generalize your question into "why does Bash support aliases when anything could be a script."
    – dotancohen
    Commented Apr 28, 2015 at 10:06
  • Why the downvote? How could I improve the question? I've provided examples, failed attempts, and even the keyphrases that I tried to google on.
    – dotancohen
    Commented Apr 28, 2015 at 10:16
  • @dotancohen: I think you should ask that separately. I'll give a partial answer here: alias cdp="cd ~/projects". Can't do that in a shell script. Commented Apr 28, 2015 at 10:18

1 Answer 1


Use single quotes to suppress processing of special characters. You could also backslash the $s.

For a complex command you are probably better off using a function in any case, which doesn't require any escaping and is easier to read and edit:

svnbranch() {
    svn diff -r $(svn info | grep ^Revision | awk {'print $2'}):HEAD $(svn info | grep ^URL | awk {'print $2'}) | colordiff

You can define a function anywhere you could define an alias.

  • 2
    awk has a pattern space as well awk '/^Revision/{ print ...}' So no need for grep in this case. Commented Apr 28, 2015 at 10:48

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