I am trying to install some key sequence bindings but I have trouble. My shell is bash, my terminal is gnome-terminal, and my system is Ubuntu 14.04 in graphic mode. Edit : my keyboard is french azerty with the numeric pad and ctrl,fn,super,alt.

Edit: a bash guide, readline chapter

I want to add contol+alt+space, but this exact sequence does not work while similar other sequences work fine. My goal is to run shell-expand-line readline but i tried upcase-word to compare.

--Let's analyze my goal's installation effect.

This is my ~/.inputrc added (ctrl+meta+space):

"\e\C- ": shell-expand-line

This is the new result of bind -p :

"\e\C-@": shell-expand-line

Of course I started a couple terminals, one before installation and one after every installation in order to compare thoroughly.

--Some experiments to ensure control+alt works in place of control+meta.

The system should emulate Meta with Alt and bash should emulate Meta with Escape, both using the byte '\033'. I tried both Alt and Esc to conclude it works fine. I tested some ctrl+meta+letter sequences to be sure.

By the way, the individual samples of Ctrl+Alt are simple : expanding an isolated tilde '~' (shell-expand-line) or changing case in random lowercase words (upcase-word) with ctrl+meta+e or ctrl+meta+v. Ctrl+meta+e is already binding to shell-expand-line so i just mixed the bindings with the useless ctrl+meta+v.

--Some more intricate observations...

I read '^@' illustrates 'NUL' character. Why this escape?

I tested xev and pressed ctrl+alt+space : the character reported is 'NUL' character.

I saw alt+space usually open the window menu of gnome-terminal while alt enables menus, of course without control key.

A conflict seems to come from the system, but I am a newbie. I just read most of the bash manual (especially readline chapter) and one forum advice about xev.


Is there more to say or to correct? Why the sequences are rewritten? How can I make my ctrl+alt+space work with bash and gnome-terminal ?

Edit : I found that '@' is transformed in 'NUL' because of a bitwise mask applied when escaping, but i do not see any reason why Alt+space gives 'NUL'.

  • I have a temporary simple solution, I chose another similar key sequence : "\C-x\C-@" code to spell ctrl+x+space keys. It works, it is easy to press, x is near Alt and I do not need to hold ctrl+x.
    – Link-akro
    Commented Mar 23, 2015 at 8:47
  • One more workaround : defining Meta-Space does the trick since it is the wrong sequence sent by VTE from Ctrl+Alt+Space. But it catches the Esc+Space, what a pity.
    – Link-akro
    Commented May 8, 2015 at 15:49

2 Answers 2


The terminal emulator (Gnome-terminal, in your case) converts key combinations like Ctrl+Alt+Space (which it receives as the Space keysym with the Ctrl and meta modifiers are) into sequences of bytes. Text characters like a and space are sent as is; keys that don't correspond to characters are sent as control characters when there is one (e.g. byte 13 = carriage return = Return, byte 9 = tabulation = Tab) and as escape sequences beginning with byte 27 = escape if there isn't. Alt+character is sent as escape followed by that character (for all intents and purposes, in typical configurations nowadays, treat “Alt” and “Meta” as synonymous — I won't go into that topic in this post). See also How do keyboard input and text output work?

Ctrl+character is sent as a control character if there is one (e.g. Ctrl+A or Ctrl+Shift+A → byte 1 = ^A). There is no control-space character, but for historical reasons, the key combination Ctrl+Space is usually transmitted as byte 0 = ^@.

You can see what key sequence the terminal sends by pressing Ctrl+V on the bash command line then the key or key combination you're interested in. Ctrl+V tells bash to insert the next character, whatever it is, instead of interpreting it as a command.

It would be logical to transmit Ctrl+Alt+Space as the two-byte sequence 27, 0 = escape, ^@. Unfortunately for you, Gnome-terminal doesn't do this, it sends 27, 32 = escape, space instead. Key sequences sent by Gnome-terminal cannot be configured (you'd need to patch the VTE library). So if you want to be able to use Ctrl+Alt+Space in the terminal, you have several possibilities:

  • Use a different terminal emulator. There are about 40 in Ubuntu.
  • Edit the source code of the VTE library to make it send a different escape sequence. You may want to suggest this as an enhancement.
  • Maybe use LD_PRELOAD to patch calls from Gnome-terminal to libvte. I haven't checked to see if it's practical, and anyway it would be cumbersome — if you care that much, use a different terminal emulator.
  • Configure your window manager or an external program to change Ctrl+Alt+Space into Esc Ctrl+Space when a Gnome-terminal window is active. This is not easy to do without disrupting other applications in most environments.

In short, if you want to use this binding, you'll need to use a different terminal emulator, such as xterm (where escape sequences for key combinations are fully configurable).

  • Interesting. Easiest solution is changing terminal or sequence, but not favorite. BTW, i wonder why someone downvoted this answer.
    – Link-akro
    Commented Mar 22, 2015 at 19:16
  • Using <kbd>Ctrl</kbd>+<kbd>V</kbd> (quoted-insert macro) is not what I need to study sequences. It only inserts the byte. Inserting a byte is not a clue to know what code it is. It is not easy to read something like "it tried to insert NUL". SO i will use hexdump program from now on to see the exact code of any sequence.
    – Link-akro
    Commented Mar 26, 2015 at 18:42
  • @Link-akro You need Ctrl+V with some sequences to prevent the terminal or the application in the terminal from interpreting the initial control character. Then you can type the sequence in hexdump if you want to see the hexadecimal codes. Commented Mar 26, 2015 at 22:50

Your gnome-terminal (actually the underlying vte-0.34) emits the wrong sequence for ctrl+Alt+space. The bug (https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=710349) was fixed in vte-0.36.

If you're not afraid of hacking a little bit and you're able to safely revert things in case of trouble, you can try to install vte-0.36 on your Ubuntu 14.04. You'll get many other fixes and improments along with this one. You might find a PPA or a package in Gnome3 staging, or compile it for yourself. Upgrading to this version of vte doesn't require touching any other software components. A complete restart of gnome-terminal is required (close all the windows).

  • Thank you for linking this bugreport, i could never find it, and it is stronger than a workaround. However finding package and version is a pain : my package manager (apt) do not find vte or libvte, and i found a version 2.90 in my computer. I need to figure out how to upgrade and what upgrade before accepting the answer.
    – Link-akro
    Commented May 8, 2015 at 4:17
  • 1
    @Link-akro There's a vte3_1:0.36.3 package at Gnome3 staging (launchpad.net/~gnome3-team/+archive/ubuntu/gnome3-staging/…), I believe installing this should work. It's actually multiple packages, upgrade whichever ones you already have installed; probably libvte-2.90-9 and libvte-2.90-9-common. Should anything go wrong, open an xterm and perform an apt-get install --reinstall libvte-2.90-9 libvte-2.90-9-common to revert.
    – egmont
    Commented May 8, 2015 at 9:15
  • I learnt right now searching with apt (because I was wrong before). I now see the packages already installed : apt search vte reports libvte-2.90-9/trusty,now 1:0.34.9-1ubuntu1 amd64 [installed] and libvte-2.90-common/trusty,now 1:0.34.9-1ubuntu1 all [installed]. (I still do not understand the meaning of every data). Anyway, local package is up to date from what i see and apt-get install libvte-2.90-9 or with --reininstall. And I still have the key sequence bug in gnome-terminal. Maybe something need compile, IDK.
    – Link-akro
    Commented May 8, 2015 at 15:40
  • Woops, i forgot your suggestion of 0.36.3 version. It is normal to still have the bug with the 0.34.x. Let me see gnome3 repository for 0.36 correction.
    – Link-akro
    Commented May 8, 2015 at 15:51

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