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Questions tagged [migration]

The tag has no usage guidance.

3 votes
1 answer

Is migration to Stack Overflow blocked?

Recently, I have seen a couple of posts that I think were supposed to be migrated to SO, but weren't. Community locks them like it would for migrated questions and then almost immediately unlocks them....
muru's user avatar
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The migration target Askubuntu should be available

Questions can be migrated at Closing>Off-Topic>Migration, but only to the targets "Unix and Linux Meta" and "Stack Overflow", but not "Ask Ubuntu". Ask Ubuntu is a very probable target, simply ...
Volker Siegel's user avatar
13 votes
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Why can we not vote to migrate a question to

When we vote to close as off topic, we can select one of a couple of sites to forward the question to such as I'm surprised that isn't listed as an option. Is there a ...
Philip Couling's user avatar
21 votes
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When flagging a question to be migrated, why are some Stack Exchange sites excluded?

I noticed when I flag a question as off-topic that there is an option to flag the post for migration to another site. However, there is only the option to migrate questions from Unix & Linux to ...
kemotep's user avatar
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Should off-topic questions in the Jenkins tag be migrated to Stack Overflow intead of Super User?

A few days ago, I voted to migrate an off-topic question about Jenkins to Stack Overflow. The question was certainly off-topic for U&L, but ultimately it was migrated to Super User instead of SO. ...
jayhendren's user avatar
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aws-cli usage questions go....?

I suppose if you're using an API to run the CLI, that could be asked in Stackoverflow, but might not be best. I don't have the question handy, but saw that a question was closed as off topic because ...
Thufir's user avatar
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Where to ask questions with a historical element

Firstly, this question is currently active on meta.SO here. They think that my question SO here would be more relevant here, and are willing to migrate it if you think so as well. Consider the below ...
Daniel Porteous's user avatar
6 votes
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Migration to Stack Overflow locked but not actually migrated

There's something wrong with the migration of Seperating GLX from X11 to had 4 votes to migrate to Stack Overflow. It looks like the migration is in limbo: it's started (the question has been locked), ...
Gilles 'SO- stop being evil''s user avatar
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Migration to security by default too?

I've seen several questions recently where one very reasonable reason for closing would have been that they are more generic security questions, not really Unix specific. Is it possible to add ...
vonbrand's user avatar
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Is it appropriate to suggest another community in a tag wiki to help get answer quicker and/or avoid a migration?

I have seen quite a few tag excerpts that contain pointers to choose a more specific tag or only use if... but almost none that suggest it might be better to ask in a different Stack Exchange ...
DanSut's user avatar
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Add to Closing > Off-Topic > Migration [duplicate]

According to Note that Ubuntu posts are a special case. If your question applies to Ubuntu only, or you're looking for answers that are Ubuntu-...
Pandya's user avatar
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10 votes
2 answers

Yearly Revisit of List of Sites to Migrate

I've read a few of the discussions relating to migrating off-topic questions and haven't got to the bottom of why the list cannot be expanded beyond Meta and SO. There's been a few observations that ...
garethTheRed's user avatar
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how to migrate my Q from to

I have this Q in that I feel should be migrated to as it hasn't got much view. How to do that please?
Ravi's user avatar
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Is there a problem that Ask Ubuntu has migration paths to us?

Most of you would know that I'm active here and on Ask Ubuntu. Recently, I started a discussion about enabling one-way migration paths from Ask Ubuntu to Unix & Linux, so I'm here to discuss with ...
Braiam's user avatar
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9 votes
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What close reason should be selected when migration site is not available?

I frequently run across questions that should be migrated to other sites, but right now the only site we have an option for is (as well as unix meta). Most of the time I want to ...
phemmer's user avatar
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