New Green Power 永鑫能源

New Green Power 永鑫能源


TaipeiZhongshan Dist. 2,671 位關注者



Since 2009, New Green Power has been a pioneer of the Taiwan solar industry with core expertise in development, design, construction and project management. We were the first developer in Taiwan to successfully bring utility-scale ground mounted PV farms to market and today, are partnered with some of the leading energy infrastructure investors in the world including BlackRock, Macquarie, Google and Black & Veatch on over 350MWs of projects. New Green Power currently employs a team of over 100 professionals that are committed to delivering and operating projects for our clients which produce clean, safe and sustainable green energy for local communities.

51-200 名員工
Zhongshan Dist.Taipei


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New Green Power 永鑫能源員工


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    我們很榮幸地宣布,永鑫能源獲得了2024 HR Asia Awards 亞洲最佳雇主獎!這已經是我們第三次獲得此殊榮。 能拿到此獎項歸根於我們一直以來努力的成果——致力於創造積極、多元和平等的工作環境,全力支持每位員工的成長和幸福。 在永鑫能源,每位員工都是成功的基石。我們提供專業培訓和職業發展機會,讓他們發揮潛力。我們也重視工作與生活的平衡,營造關愛的企業文化,推動創新與卓越,感謝HR Asia 的認可!這份榮耀驅動我們持續進步,期待與夥伴和員工共創美好未來!   我們也持續尋找對綠能充滿熱情的專業人才。如果你渴望成為我們卓越綠能團隊的一員,歡迎加入我們的大家庭!     We are honored to announce that New Green Power has been awarded the 2024 HR Asia Best Companies To Work For In Asia! This marks the third time we have received this prestigious recognition!   This achievement is the result of our continuous efforts to create a positive, diverse, and inclusive work environment, fully supporting the growth and well-being of every employee. At New Green Power, every employee is a cornerstone of our success. We provide professional training and career development opportunities, allowing them to realize their potential. We also value work-life balance and foster a caring corporate culture that drives innovation and excellence. A big thank you to HR Asia for this recognition! This honor motivates us to keep improving, and we look forward to creating a bright future with our partners and employees!   We are also constantly looking for passionate professionals in the green energy field. If you are eager to be part of our outstanding green energy team, we welcome you to join our family!     #永鑫能源 #newgreenpower #hraa #hrasiaaward #bestcompaniestoworkforinasia #最佳雇主

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    We are pleased to announce that 貝萊德 Climate Infrastructure business has established a partnership with 谷歌. The partnership includes capital investment from Google into BlackRock Climate Infrastructure’s portfolio company New Green Power (NGP). In addition, NGP will offer Google the rights to procure up to 300MW of solar power from NGP's development pipeline of solar assets in Taiwan. This partnership will help Google advance its climate goals while facilitating NGP's additional solar pipeline build-out. We are more than excited about this partnership. NGP will continue to advance renewable energy development in Taiwan and align with international standards to provide diverse and cross-border energy solutions! 我們很高興的宣布,我們的貝萊德氣候基礎設施團隊與Google建立合作關係,這項合作包含Google對貝萊德氣候基礎設施團隊旗下的投資組合公司永鑫能源的挹注資本投資 (capital investment)。此外,永鑫能源將從其在台灣的太陽能資產中提供Google採購高達 300MW 太陽能的權利。 此次合作將幫助 Google 實現其再生能源目標,同時促進永鑫能源進一步擴大太陽能項目之建設。 我們很興奮能有此次的合作,永鑫能源將繼續推進台灣的再生能源建設,並接軌國際,提供更多元、跨國域的能源解決方案! #永鑫能源 #newgreenpower #blackrock #blackrockclimateinfrastructure #google #renewableenergy #solarpower #sustainability #climateaction #energytransition #greenenergy #ecoinvesting #greeninvestment

    Google buys stake in Taiwan solar power firm owned by BlackRock

    Google buys stake in Taiwan solar power firm owned by BlackRock

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    恭喜聯華新能源所舉辦的新能源研討會圓滿成功! 在這場研討會中,我們的董事長李豪,向大家分享了綠氫及太陽能在台的現況,以及永鑫在這個市場的發展及計畫,再次謝謝聯華的邀請。   Congratulations to Lien Hwa New Energy on the successful completion of their New Energy Seminar! During the seminar, our Chairman, Leo Seewald, shared insights on the current state of green hydrogen and solar energy in Taiwan, as well as NGP's developments and plans in this market. Thanks again to Lien Hwa New Energy for the invitation!   #永鑫能源 #newgreenpower #聯華新能源 #lienhwanewenergy #hydrogen #solarenergy

    First Lien Hwa New Energy Seminar, a great success! To advance the ESG strategy for Lien Hwa Group and contribute to Taiwan’s net zero target, we are actively developing technologies and opportunities in energy transition for the 4th industrial revolution. On 7th June, 2024, New Energy Initiatives Division of Lien Hwa Group invited internal and external experts in the field of new energy, including VP Jeffery shan from Linde LienHwa , CEO Rick Hsiao from ASIA HYDROGEN ENERGY, Dr. Mark Selby, Chief Product Officer from Ceres, Dr Alex Hsu, Chief Planning Officer from Lien Hwa Group, Leo Seewald, Chairman from New Green Power 永鑫能源, Jerry Chen, Chairman from Hephas Energy Co., Ltd. Energy, and Oliver Ramsbottom, CEO from Nomgon Forestry to share the following: 1. Hydrogen Value Chain and Applications 2. Solutions for Low Carbon Electricity to Net Zero 3. Leading Taiwan's Industrial Energy Transition with Solid Oxide Technology Solutions 4. Taiwan’s Energy Roadmap under Net Zero 5. Green Hydrogen & Solar 6. Hydrogen’s Role in Energy Transition 7. Green Carbon: It’s Role in Meeting Taiwan’s Future Demand for Carbon Credits. On the day, Mr. Toby Collins, Managing Director of New Energy Initiatives, opened up the scene with an introduction on Lien Hwa’s vision and future prospects on new energy while Mr. Matthew Miau, Chairman of Lien Hwa Group, stood highly supportive for the purpose in his opening remark. A large number of senior management teams from most of the affiliated enterprises, directors and supervisors, along with invited external dignitaries, also attended the event! We sincerely thank everyone for their support and guidance and hope to work with like-minded organizations/corporations for the goal. We look forward to gathering again in the near future for further exchanges! 聯華實業控股新能源事業-新能源時代研討會成功! 為替集團ESG策略盡力,開發下一世代能源與工業革命商機,2024年6月7日聯華新能源事業部邀請到多位集團內外新能源領域的合作夥伴專家,包含聯華林德 沈欣儒副總、亞氫動力 蕭逢祥總經理、Ceres Power Dr. Mark Selby (Chief Product Officer)、聯華集團 徐造華幕僚長、永鑫能源 李豪董事長、群翌能源 陳致源董事長、Nomgon Forestry CEO Oliver Ramsbottom等分享氫能之角色、技術、價值鏈至應用、與再生能源的互助關係、低碳電力解方、固態氧化物技術及碳權開發。 當天除了聯華集團大家長-苗豐強 董事長蒞臨致詞外,集團大部分關企經營團隊、董監事及邀請的外部貴賓也到場參與! 非常謝謝大家的支持及指教,期許新能源的應用能為產業淨零出一份力,也期待未來與大家再次齊聚交流! Christine Miao Collins | Joseph Lenox | Elliot Billings | Anne Lai | Sean Huang| Jia-Yu Cheng | Jamie Tseng #LienHwaNewEnergy #Hydrogen #FuelCell #CarbonCredits

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    永鑫能源在2023年初自願推動碳排放盤查,並於2023年12月18日通過SGS的嚴格查證,2024年1月22日正式取得查驗聲明書。 遵循ISO 14064-1:2018標準,不僅贏得更多支持和信任,也吸引潛在國際客戶與合作機會。我們相信,這將有助確保案場及各項活動符合法規要求、更全面理解和管理溫室氣體排放,從而提升環境責任感,並推動環境永續發展,為自身及社會帶來更全面的益處。 New Green Power voluntarily initiated a carbon emission inventory in early 2023 and passed SGS's rigorous verification on December 18, 2023, officially obtaining the verification statement on January 22, 2024. Following the ISO 14064-1:2018 standard, we have gained more support and trust and attracted potential international customers and cooperation opportunities. We believe this initiative will help ensure compliance with regulatory requirements, provide a more comprehensive understanding and management of greenhouse gas emissions, enhance environmental responsibility, and promote sustainable environmental development, bringing more comprehensive benefits to both the company and society. #永鑫能源 #newgreenpower #carbonneutral #sustainability #iso14064 #ESG

    永鑫能源減碳邁大步 實現永續經營

    永鑫能源減碳邁大步 實現永續經營

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    永鑫能源執行長陳必揚先生很榮幸代表中華民國太陽光電產業永續發展協會,參與由德國經濟辦事處舉辦的線上研討會,向德國的業者介紹台灣太陽能產業。在會議中執行長講述了太陽光電在台灣的潛力、發展現況及市場分析,希望透過這樣的交流,可以幫助德國企業更了解台灣再生能源的現況及投資機會,再次謝謝德國經濟辦事處的邀請。 Our CEO, Gavin Tan, is honored to represent the Taiwan Photovoltaic Industry System Association (TPISA) in participating in the webinar organized by the German Trade Office Taipei to introduce Taiwan's solar industry to German companies. During the webinar, Gavin introduced the potential, current status, and market opportunities for PV technologies in Taiwan. We hope that German enterprises can gain a better understanding of the situation and investment opportunities in Taiwan's renewable energy sector. Once again, thanks to the German Trade Office Taipei for the invitation. #永鑫能源 #newgreenpower #Germantradeofficetaipei #TPISA #pvtechnologies #Taiwansolarindustry

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    永鑫能源非常認同漁電共生的理念,這不僅是我們對環境永續的承諾,更是我們推動能源轉型的重要步驟。在董事長Leo的帶領下,我們非常高興迎來了第二批夥伴的參訪,這也再次強化了我們對漁電共生的堅定承諾。感謝我們的養殖管理夥伴-峰漁、養殖顧問-鄭安倉老師以及養殖戶的解說,讓來訪者更進一步了解漁電共生。 New Green Power is highly committed to the concept of fishery solar dual-use. This is a promise of sustainability to the environment and a significant step in promoting energy transition. Accompanied by our Chairman Leo, we are happy to welcome the second group of partners for a visit, further strengthening our firm commitment to fishery solar dual-use. We want to thank our Aquaculture Operation and Management Team-Fongyu, Aquaculture Consultant-Professor Cheng, and the fish farmers for their explanations, which helped the visitors better understand fishery solar dual-use projects.     #永鑫能源 #newgreenpower #漁電共生 #fisherysolardualuseproject #dualuse #fisheryandelectricitysymbiosis #嘉義 #Chiayi

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    永鑫能源位於嘉義的漁電共生案場已經陸續開始進行養殖作業。 上週,我們邀請了部分合作夥伴到案場參訪。感謝我們的養殖管理夥伴-峰漁、養殖顧問-鄭安倉老師以及養殖戶的解說,讓來訪者更進一步了解漁電共生。 永鑫能源將持續配合台灣再生能源政策,引領台灣能源轉型! New Green Power's fishery solar dual-use project site in Chiayi has begun farming activities. Last week, we invited some partners to visit the site. Thanks to our Aquaculture Operation and Management Team-Fongyu, Aquaculture Consultant-Professor Cheng, and the fish farmer for their explanations, which allowed visitors to learn more about the fishery solar dual-use projects. NGP will continue to align its strategies with Taiwan's renewable energy policies and lead the way in Taiwan's energy transition. #永鑫能源 #newgreenpower #漁電共生 #fisherysolardualuseproject #dualuse #fisheryandelectricitysymbiosis #嘉義 #Chiayi

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    永鑫能源ESG委員會號召公司夥伴募集童書,在執行長Gavin的響應之下,募得眾多書籍,並於上周前往芳苑王功國小捐贈這些書籍,希望能讓小朋友看到更多彩的世界!   除了贈書之外,董事長Leo以及營運長August也在現場念故事給小朋友聽,ESG委員會也安排了繪畫活動,讓小朋友彩繪屬於芳苑的美好。 感謝王功國小謝校長的支持,我們一起共度了一個有意義的下午,永鑫能源會持續努力,為社會盡一份心力,做大家的好鄰居。 New Green Power's ESG Committee called on company partners to collect children's books. With the support of CEO Gavin, we gathered many good books and donated them to Fangyuan Wang Gong Elementary School last week, with the hope of broadening the children's horizons and allowing them to see this colorful world! In addition to donating books, Our Chairman Leo and COO August also read stories to the children. At the same time, the ESG Committee organized a painting activity with the kids so that they could create colorful artwork representing the beauty of Fangyuan. We are grateful for the support of Principal Hsieh of Wang Gong Elementary School; we spent a very joyful afternoon together. NGP will continue to strive to contribute to society and be a good neighbor to all.   #永鑫能源 #newgreenpower #CSR #ESG #bookdonation #Changhua #Fangyuan

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    走吧走吧,小樹會跟著你一起長大。   永鑫能源在四月時舉辦為期一個月的健走活動,不僅為了身體健康,還要以行動支持淨零碳排放!這個健走活動不僅可以減少開車、騎車的碳排放,還可以透過植樹、森林保護等方式來進行碳吸存。 經過大家的努力,本次活動我們共走出 29,598,988 步,換算為碳吸存 5,150.22 公斤。   未來,我們將會持續推動淨零碳排並辦理相關活動,希望藉此能讓同仁們對於淨零碳排有更充分的認知。讓我們一起繼續努力,打造更永續的世界!   We organized a month-long walking event to promote physical health and actively support net-zero carbon emissions! This walking event can reduce carbon emissions from driving and riding scooters and sequester carbon through tree planting and forest protection. Thanks to everyone's efforts, we have accumulated 29,598,988 steps, equivalent to a carbon sequestration of 5,150.22 kilograms.   New Green Power will continue to promote carbon neutrality and organize related activities, hoping to enhance colleagues' understanding of carbon neutrality. Let us continue to work together towards a sustainable world! #永鑫能源 #newgreenpower #newgreenwalk #ESG #健走活動 #淨零碳排

