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Schengen visa rejected 3 times

Since the authorities' second most important worry is illegal immigration (the first being terrorism), the likely major problems which led to your rejection are No immediate family (wife, children). ...
Peter - Reinstate Monica's user avatar
4 votes

Guarantor's role in Japan's short term visa

Visa FAQ from the Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs: Q5: As a “guarantor”, to what extent do I need to be responsible? A5: The "guarantor" for the visa application is the person who ...
lambshaanxy's user avatar
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24 votes

Schengen visa rejected 3 times

When you apply, the very first thing that will happen is that they will pull up your data from the Schengen Visa Information System (VIS) and will see that you have already applied three times to two ...
jcaron's user avatar
  • 83k
30 votes

Schengen visa rejected 3 times

Every time you make a repeat application after a rejection (unless you make significant changes to the application) it increases the belief in the officers that you have some motive for getting into ...
DJClayworth's user avatar
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7 votes

Good to have a packed tourist like itinerary when considering for Japan's visitor visa?

Applying as a visitor means as a visitor for the country, not just for your friend, at least for countries where the government has no objections to a legitimately present foreigner moving around. To ...
L.Dutch's user avatar
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3 votes

Booking Flights and Hotels Through an Acquaintance – Is It a Problem?

If two people are traveling together and sharing accommodations, any given accommodation will be booked and paid for by only one of the travelers. It certainly can't be a reason for automatic refusal. ...
phoog's user avatar
  • 135k
8 votes

How to cancel travel insurance because I did not get a Schengen visa?

The obvious answer, from just a 10 second internet search, is to contact AXA. Their FAQs say: Q: My visa was not granted, can I get my money back? A: Yes. We will need a proof of the visa denial and ...
Traveller's user avatar
  • 35.6k

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