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Want my girlfriend to visit me for 1-2 weeks

No, it is not possible. There are no visa waiver programs for girlfriends or anything like that. There is a special visa (K-1) for girlfriends who are coming to marry an US citizen, but it is still a ...
George Y.'s user avatar
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How can I find out if I need a transit visa travelling from Dominican Republic to Kenya?

To research travel documentation and visa requirements I always start with two sources: the IATA Travel Centre, which provides personalised passport, visa and health requirements advice based on ...
Traveller's user avatar
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If someone else is paying for my trip, what documents do I need to include in my UK visa application?

Is the letter from the sponsor enough? No, a sponsor letter is not enough, excluding the other needed evidence can be a disastrous strategy. There are five (5) criteria used to determine if a person ...
Gayot Fow's user avatar
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Can Dominicans with US visas visit Niagara Falls on the Canadian side?

You can find out if you need a visa to visit Canada at the CIC site. Filling in the appropriate answers will tell you that citizens of the Dominican Republic need a visa to visit Canada, unless they ...
DJClayworth's user avatar
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I am Dominican citizen, I am travelling to Botswana from DOH-JNB-GBE do i need a transit visa in JNB?

According to the website of the South African Consulate in the US, Transit Visa - 3 Days or less you do not need a transit visa. From that link: Travelers transiting through the following ...
Peter M's user avatar
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