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Questions tagged [ratp]

*Régie Autonome des Transports Parisiens* or "RATP", a state-owned company responsible for most public transport in and around Paris, including the Métro, trams, buses and part of RER.

4 votes
1 answer

Are major station services counter like Place de Clichy open till late evening to buy Navigo pass?

What are the work hours to buy Navigo Easy pass? Are major station services counter like Place de Clichy open till late evening to buy Navigo Pass?
Shrirang 's user avatar
5 votes
3 answers

What is the metro broadcast in the Paris metro for a suspicious package?

I was in the Paris metro and the train got stopped due to a suspicious package. I didn't understand the broadcast message because it was in French. I only became aware of this after everyone went out ...
trisct's user avatar
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Will my Navigo Pass be replenishable next year?

NYC OMNI "tap & go" passes are refillable and do not expire for 5 years. The French equivalent is Navigo: I purchased a weekly pass for 5 + 30 Euros. Can I reuse the pass next year in ...
gatorback's user avatar
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Is it possible to buy and use tickets in Paris public transport directly from a smartphone?

I am visiting Paris and am trying to figure out the most convenient way to use public transport. I am aware that I can purchase a Navigo Easy travel card and load t+ tickets or day tickets on it, and ...
GoodDeeds's user avatar
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15 votes
2 answers

What do these train codes on Paris RER B (airports subway line) mean?

While standing on the platform waiting for the RER B train to Charles de Gaulle airport in Paris, I noticed codes like ELOT or EPEX besides arrival time, platform number, destination, etc. What do ...
Taladris's user avatar
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3 votes
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3-days metro bus ticket for Paris

Can we buy 3 days ticket for Paris for using metro or bus? I want to 3 days full visit Paris? I want to visit there for 3 days and I dont know the best option
Ahmad Turani's user avatar
7 votes
3 answers

How to find bus maps for Paris outside the périphérique?

I'm staying in a little town just outside of Paris, and it seems to have plenty of bus service, but the train station is a bit far away AND it seems that you can't transfer from the train to a bus ...
Joshua Frank's user avatar
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Is the Navigo metro pass in Paris available for tourists?

I'll be going to Paris this July for two weeks with my mother, and I'm not sure which metro pass would be best to use for a reasonable price. We were planning on getting the Navigo metro pass, but I ...
Désirée's user avatar
19 votes
5 answers

Can you exit and re-enter with the same ticket in Paris Metro?

I am reading about Paris, and how to travel around. I read in a book that the standard subway ticket is valid for 2 hours. Is the ticket re-usable (exit and re-enter again) or you have 2 hours while ...
nsn's user avatar
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35 votes
3 answers

Pack of 10 tickets in Metro, Paris, can you share?

I am reading about Paris and I saw that you can buy a pack of 10 tickets. Are these only usable by one person, or they actually sell 10 separate tickets that you can share with others?
nsn's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

Travel time in Paris between Montparnasse and Paris St Michel

How far is it from Paris Montparnasse to Paris St Michel? What is best method of transport… bus or taxi?
Linda Young's user avatar
14 votes
1 answer

Open gates on the Paris Metro

I took the Paris Metro today, and the gates were open at my entry station, with the ticket validator not accepting tickets. I walked through the gate with my ticket, and assumed that that would be ...
waiwai933's user avatar
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8 votes
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Roissybus - No more child fare, but how about baby?

Does a baby pay for Roissybus? I understand the child fare is no longer available, but how about a baby?
user27973's user avatar
7 votes
2 answers

Which is the best exit from metro Montparnasse to get to Avenue du Maine northbound direction?

I will be taking the metro to Montparnasse - Bienvenüe on Saturday and I need to get to the Ibis hotel on Avenue du Maine. Which would be the best exit to take?
camden_kid's user avatar