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Questions tagged [japanese-language]

Questions about the language (日本語). For questions about Japanese people, use the tags Japanese-citizens or Japanese-visitors.

0 votes
3 answers

Any Non-seafood Japanese food options?

I am allergic to seafood but will eat pretty much anything else. I know a lot of Japanese cuisine is based on seafood - but are there other Japanese meat or vegetable dishes I should try? I really ...
Ivan Garcia Santiago's user avatar
31 votes
8 answers

How would Japanese people react to someone refusing to say “itadakimasu” for religious reasons?

So, it’s my understanding that in Japan it’s considered to be polite to say “itadakimasu” before eating. From what I’ve read, it seems that the meaning of this phrase derives from Buddhist and Shinto ...
nick012000's user avatar
1 vote
0 answers

My husband is Japanese but has permanent residency in the UK. I am British. What visa should he apply for to go to Spain? [closed]

We want to move to Spain. What visa does he need to go to Spain? Thanks.
David Burgess's user avatar
9 votes
3 answers

How can I help Japanese speakers using my hard-to-pronounce name?

Last time when I was in Japan on holiday - I'm originally from Scotland - I noticed that employees at hotels, airport etc., as well as new acquaintances I meet in less formal environments, had ...
Kozaky's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

How to read Donan bus schedule (Hokkaido)

Here is a schedule. I need to take Donan bus from Station Toyako to Lake View Nonokaze Hotel at Toyako Onsen in the afternoon. Next morning, I need take back to Toyako Station. I can't understand the ...
Nsyy's user avatar
  • 31
41 votes
2 answers

What does "Shin" in a Japanese train station name mean?

Quite a few train stations have "Shin" in their name, then the name of the city. For example, Shin-Osaka, Shin-Sapporo, Shin-Kobe. What does it mean, and does it indicate the station is for ...
Golden Cuy's user avatar
22 votes
4 answers

Do bus stations have names in Latin letters in Tokyo

I'm planning to visit Tokyo this year, trying to plan out my trip, but in Google maps I get things like: x03towards xxxx (where x is a Japanese letter) This is a bus station. Are they available in ...
Ayyash's user avatar
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0 answers

Exchange student traveling in and out of the US on student visa [closed]

I have a Japanese exchange student living with us in the United States, we are traveling to Mexico for vacation. I am worried about her returning to the US with us. She is on a student visa. What does ...
casa gaxiola's user avatar
50 votes
5 answers

How do you know if a Japanese person means no when they say yes?

I have come across a few situations when a Japanese person will extend themselves beyond what they probably should to help people. I am often worried when asking them to do something that they will ...
Michael Lai's user avatar
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10 votes
4 answers

Is it better to ask a question in English or Japanese if you are expecting a reply in English?

When I was traveling in Japan I asked some Japanese people if they speak English in Japanese, and for some reason people didn't really answer my question. I wasn't sure whether it was because they don'...
Michael Lai's user avatar
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6 votes
4 answers

Does knowing Japanese help in neighbouring countries?

I know a bit of Japanese, but don't know any other Asian languages. Does knowing Japanese help in neighbouring countries such as South Korea and Taiwan? Am I likely to encounter people who are ...
Golden Cuy's user avatar
8 votes
1 answer

Are most flights to Japan staffed by hosts with good Japanese?

Are most flights from Australia to Japan staffed by hosts with good Japanese language skills? I assume that Australian based airlines would, but I'm not sure about airlines that are based in third-...
Golden Cuy's user avatar
7 votes
1 answer

How can I find a good school to learn Japanese in Tokyo?

So I'm trying to live in Tokyo, and would like to learn japanese. I'm looking for an immersion school that will teach me Japanese starting from the basics to intermediate level (JPTL4-JPTL2). I used ...
Slamice's user avatar
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