I have a Brunei passport (I am a Brunei citizen) living and working in England, UK (I have ILR and a Biometric residence permit).

My travel itinerary and Visa research returns the following. Can anyone help me double check or point me at resources?

1) USA - ESTA [ http://www.esta.us/brunei.html ]

I've done this before in the past, I hope it shouldn't be a problem.

edit - official site [ https://esta.cbp.dhs.gov ] provided by commenter

2) Half Moon Cay (Bahamas) - No Visa required

[ http://www.bahamas.gov.bs/wps/wcm/connect/bf838397-2677-410e-9987-87fa188e4966/Visa+Requirements+for+Visitors+Travelling+to+The+Bahamas1.pdf?MOD=AJPERES ]

3) St. Thomas Island (US Virgin Islands) - Same as USA

[ http://www.frommers.com/destinations/virgin-islands/planning-a-trip/entry-requirements--customs ]

Question - if I have a Visa Waiver from visiting the US, would it apply here?

4) San Juan (Puerto Rico)

5) Grand Turk (Turks and Caicos) - This one I'm not sure.

i) http://turksandcaicostourism.com/immigration-turks-and-caicos-entry-requirements/

ii) https://www.visittci.com/travel-info/passports-and-visas The link in ii) suggests that I don't need an additional visa, as I already have ILR for the UK Seems like I need to apply for a rather expensive Visa even just for a quick visit?

  • 6
    Note that esta.us is not an official government website. It's an unofficial site that will charge you an extra $83 "processing fee." You should only apply through the official ESTA site at https://esta.cbp.dhs.gov and avoid all unofficial sites. Commented May 30, 2017 at 22:01

1 Answer 1


Good on you; you've certainly done your homework, and this will point you to a tool that will confirm your research, and make it easier. Sourced and provided by the International Air Transport Association (IATA), the Timatic database is used by carriers to verify passenger documentation requirements (this via the Emirates portal, as it is particularly user-friendly).

Nationality Brunei Darussalam
Foreign resident of United Kingdom
Destination United States
Transit countries Puerto Rico, US Virgin Islands, Bahamas, Turks and Caicos Islands

USA, Puerto Rico, US Virgin Islands

Visa Exemptions: Nationals of Brunei Darussalam with a biometric passport and an Electronic System for Travel Authorization (ESTA). They must travel as a tourist, on business or in transit, for a maximum stay of 90 days.

Passengers must have an ESTA authorization obtained at https://esta.cbp.dhs.gov/ and are advised to check their ESTA status prior to travel.

Visitors must hold a return/onward ticket to qualify for a visa exemption.

Bahamas (BS)

Visa Exemptions: Nationals of Brunei Darussalam for a maximum stay of 3 months

Turks and Caicos Isl. (TC)

Visa Exemptions: Passengers with a residence permit issued by United Kingdom for a maximum stay of 90 days.

In summary, you need to apply through Electronic System for Travel Authorization. With that approval, your passport, and your UK biometric residence permit, you will be good to go.

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