What does "Unlocked Worldwide (Only T-Mobile/Mint/Metro USA Market)" mean in this link (on Amazon Canada)? And since the mobile product in question is only unlocked for T-Mobile/Mint/Metro USA Market", can't it be used in countries like Canada or Mexico? I thought every new mobile phone is unlocked. Or maybe I am wrong about it. I am not tech savvy, so I apologize if the question sounds "stupid". Thank you in advance!


2 Answers 2


Unlocked Worldwide

This means that when connected to cellular networks in countries other than the US you can put in any SIM card that will work in that country

(Only T-Mobile/Mint/Metro USA Market)

This means that if you're connected to a US network you must use a SIM from one of those networks (which are basically all the same company anyway).

It means it was likely sold by T-Mobile at a discount, so locked to its networks, but has been unlocked to work outside of the US on any company's network.

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    – Rory Alsop
    Commented Jan 4 at 11:49

The product description is more clear (formatting is mine):

  • USA Market Only Works on Tmobile / Mint / Metro PCS
  • Unlocked Worldwide GSM 5G + 4G LTE PHONE

I.e. from my understanding, it's locked on the USA market, but not outside. But I don't have any experience with that kind of BS, personally I only buy 100% unlocked. And if all customers were doing that, we wouldn't have that discussion.

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