
My brother gifted me a Delta round trip JFK-NCE. The only blip is that I live in Pittsburgh. So I must buy my own ticket PIT-JFK.

The gifted ticket is on Delta and the purchased ticket is on Delta.

My only concern is if the PIT-JFK segment has problems. This has happened on my last two Delta ticketed round trips to Europe but those were on one itinerary and I was rerouted. There is a five hour stopover between flights. I am not checking a bag. I tried to call Delta but the connection with the rep was difficult to understand because of his accent.

  • 6
    So what is your question? What you're describing is known as a self-transfer, and it's on you if the PIT-JFK flight arrives late, thereby causing you to miss the JFK-NCE flight. It doesn't matter that they are both on Delta, though they might out of goodwill put you onto a later flight.
    – Bernard
    Commented Aug 9, 2023 at 15:50
  • 1
    your brother gave you a plane ticket starting from a place where you don't live?
    – njzk2
    Commented Aug 9, 2023 at 21:03
  • 1
    Depending on the fare it is sometimes simpler and cheaper to just change the booking to take into account the different origin/destination. It may be the same price as or even cheaper than the original. YMMV of course.
    – jcaron
    Commented Aug 9, 2023 at 22:00

1 Answer 1


Short answer, yes. So long as the connection time meets same requirements as a single itinerary.

However, while there are numerous report of Delta/SkyTeam doing this regularly, it is apparently not a published policy. Only internal policy I presume.

You can have the two reservations linked, but that doesn't do anything other than the Agent seeing they're linked.

American/OneWorld has this a public policy and I have used it.

Here is a relatively recent thread discussing this this very topic: Does Delta protect on separate tickets (both on Delta)

  • 2
    "Short answer, yes" - short answer to what exactly?
    – Midavalo
    Commented Aug 10, 2023 at 0:45

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