While travelling from Nairobi to Munich, I have a stopover in Dubai. Kenya comes under Yellow fever risk countries however I have checked on airlines website and no vaccination is required however searching on internet states that UAE entry requires Yellow fever vaccination. I am quite confused now if vaccination is required or not.

I am also wondering if I decide to stay at airport itself then do I still require yellow fever vaccination as I will not be entering the country.

Any guidance here will be helpful.

  • According to TravelDoc Required vaccinations for UAE: "Passengers aged 9 months and older travelling from or who transited for more than 12 hours through a country with a risk of yellow fever transmission must hold a yellow fever vaccination certificate."
    – Midavalo
    Commented Jul 17, 2023 at 22:08
  • @Midavalo What is weird is that TIMATIC doesn't state that Commented Jul 18, 2023 at 9:35


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