During the SENTRI interview, it was not clear to me whether (or not) the officer processed all paperwork and added the vehicle. I did not find a chance to ask while at the office.

Below are two screenshots showing what my ttp dashboard looks like... Does it mean that the vehicle is good to go?

Main dashboard

Link from Manage Vehicle

1 Answer 1


Your vehicle has been registered, and you are good to go.

Two months ago I renewed my Global Entry membership, and as part of that process I registered my car for SENTRI.

Several weeks later, I logged into the main CBP page, followed the "Manage Vehicles" link, and was shown a vehicle info page that was identical to yours, save that it displayed my vehicle's info rather than yours. I assume you blocked out your vehicle's actual info in the screen shots. Other than the info difference, your CBP pages look just the same.

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