Colombia does require a negative Covid test for entry. If it's impossible for you to take one they allow getting one in Colombia and quarantine until the results are in.

However, I have not found any mentioning of quarantine requirements (positive or negative) if you already have the test on entry.

The US embassy states https://co.usembassy.gov/covid-19-information/#:~:text=Quarantine%20Information

Are U.S. citizens required to quarantine?  Yes.

But it's unclear whether this is a general requirement or only related to lack of testing.

Any other resource I found doesn't mention quarantine or only in context of "no test". However, I haven't seen anything that specifically states: "No quarantine required if you have a negative test".

  • I’m voting to close this question because the pandemic is now over.
    – JonathanReez
    Commented Jan 28, 2023 at 18:55


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