My wife, from Kazakhstan, is looking for ways to get back to her home country after visiting me in the UK. She has recently been granted a visa extension until July 31 due to an inability to travel safely.

The COVID situation in KZ is worsening, and they are entering a second lockdown. Prior to this, for a very small window, the only way she could've entered KZ would've been flying from London via Istanbul. Now, Turkey has temporarily suspended entry to KZ citizens due to the new Kazakh lockdown.

In the event that the UK home office will not extend visas any further beyond July 31, my wife will be extremely hard-pressed to travel back to KZ on time. If she absolutely must leave, would it still be possible for her to transit through Turkey on her way to KZ? Or does suspended entry mean by all means, entry and transit alike?

I am highly concerned about her flying back to a country that is clearly still unsafe, but if the UK will not extend visas further, she will have no choice without overstaying.

  • 1
    @marc, would there be flights from Turkey if they close the border? It is rather likely that those flights will all be cancelled, due to lack of people traveling if not due to the rules.
    – Willeke
    Commented Jul 4, 2020 at 8:38
  • @Willeke, very possible; and this is another reason for my concern. If it is impossible for her to leave the UK, what is she to do without them extending visas further?
    – marc
    Commented Jul 4, 2020 at 8:40
  • Have you looked into her moving into the UK with you? Officially for long term but you can change your mind(s) if it is safe for her to return 'home'. This does depend on your status in the UK and the actual rules, which I do not know.
    – Willeke
    Commented Jul 4, 2020 at 8:43
  • Unfortunately, we do not meet the criteria for a spouse visa at this time. That is why she is here on a visit visa for now.
    – marc
    Commented Jul 4, 2020 at 8:45
  • That's up to the country, there are no general rules here. I have seen some Covid-19 bans with provisions to allow transit. I would suggest editing the question to focus on the current Turkish rules specifically.
    – Relaxed
    Commented Jul 4, 2020 at 9:35

1 Answer 1


Are you sure that this report is correct or that it applies to Kazakhstan citizens coming from the United Kingdom?

I just attempted a Visa application as

  • Kazakhstan citizen
  • consulate London
  • single transit

and it returned You are exempt from visa.

Air Astana has been advised by the Turkish authorities that due to the extended quarantine announced by Kazakhstan on 2 July, entry to Turkey for Kazakhstan citizens and residents will be temporarily suspended with immediate effect. Flights between Almaty and Nursultan, and Istanbul and Antalya, will continue to operate albeit to a modified schedule, in order to bring Kazakh citizens presently on vacation in Turkey back home at the end of their holiday. Air Astana has been advised by the Turkish authority that this is a temporary measure.

This emplies persons presently in Kazakhstan.

You should contact the Turkish Consulate to make sure that a Kazakhstan citizens arriving from the UK (and not from Kazakhstan) may enter Turkey to return home.


  • 3
    Mark, do you mean about her needing a visa for Turkey? She does not need a visa for that country, but that is not the issue.
    – marc
    Commented Jul 4, 2020 at 9:20
  • "Air Astana has been advised by the Turkish authorities that due to the extended quarantine announced by Kazakhstan on 2 July, entry to Turkey for Kazakhstan citizens and residents will be temporarily suspended with immediate effect. Flights between Almaty and Nursultan, and Istanbul and Antalya, will continue to operate albeit to a modified schedule, in order to bring Kazakh citizens presently on vacation in Turkey back home at the end of their holiday. Air Astana has been advised by the Turkish authority that this is a temporary measure."
    – marc
    Commented Jul 4, 2020 at 9:21
  • @marc I could find no notice about a general ban for Kazakhstan. That report emplies that they can return. So I would contact the Turkish Consulate to make sure that a Kazakhstan citizens arriving from the UK (and not from Kazakhstan) may enter Turkey to return home. Commented Jul 4, 2020 at 9:25

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