I have dual citizenship - let us say passport P1 and passport P2. I am living in country C1 on passport P1, but my tourist visa for P1 is about to run out. My plan is to travel to neighboring country C2 for a few days, and then return to C1 to stay on passport P2. In order to accomplish this, I need to do one of the following :


On the day I leave C1 :

  • Exit C1 on passport P1
  • Enter C2 on passport P2

On the day I re-enter C1 :

  • Exit C2 on passport P2
  • Enter C1 on passport P2


On the day I leave C1 :

  • Exit C1 on passport P1
  • Enter C2 on passport P1

On the day I re-enter C1 :

  • Exit C2 on passport P1
  • Enter C1 on passport P2


Either way, on one of the days I have to exit one country on a different passport than I use to enter the other country. I figure that this is in principle possible, but what I am worried about is this - I have heard that at the border of the two countries, the passport-officials for each country both sit at the same desk together. Does this mean that they may insist that I enter one country on the same passport that I use to exit the other? Does anyone have experience with this exact situation? Should I avoid this situation by travelling by plane to a country which does not share a physical border with the one I am in?

I figure that perhaps Option-1 is slightly better, because in that case, the day of the passport-switch does not involve me entering a country for which one of my visas is already used-up.

Thank you for your help!

I am curious about this question in general, but if it is a case-by-case sort of thing, these are the actual details in terms of the passports/countries :

  • C1: Argentina

  • C2: Uruguay

  • P1: US Passport

  • P2: Italian Passport

  • 4
    You realize that being allowed in a country is for a person, not for a passport? It is likely that country C1 does not want you back in for a second spell, (but not all countries see this in the same way.)
    – Willeke
    Commented Feb 2, 2020 at 9:11
  • 3
    Sounds to me that this question is about how to evade laws on overstaying, which means it should be closed. Unless there is an example of a country which is happy to let people have as many consecutive maximum stays as they have passports?
    – MJeffryes
    Commented Feb 2, 2020 at 11:59
  • 1
    @MJeffryes Yes...but every question about the use of multiple citizenships to ease international travel seeks to avoid some aspect of some country's immigration law. Those questions are common here. Commented Feb 2, 2020 at 15:42
  • Are there really border posts where the two actually sit side-by-side? They can be close (see French and UK controls are Gare du Nord for Eurostar departures for instance), but countries have a tendency to have their own turf and really separate both.
    – jcaron
    Commented Feb 2, 2020 at 17:14
  • 1
    These countries are separated by a river. Where do you think that the border officers might sit side by side at the same desk? Commented Feb 2, 2020 at 18:12


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