Ok My story goes like this, I got a VISA refusal for TRV (Temporary residence Visa ) for Canada with this Letter


Now I did not include an Itenerary, Neither did I add a letter of Explanation, It seems like those two messed up the application big time.

I included the following,

  • Letter for Employment
  • Leave approval Letter
  • Payslips for 4 months
  • Company Registration Documents (Supported with affidavit)
  • Passport Bio Data Page (As Requested)
  • Hotel Reservation confirmation
  • Stated that I am in Civil Union with a lady, and she would not be accompanying me to Canada first time as she is currently running a course in a University here in Nigeria.

Possible Resolution

I plan on submitting again, But the only travel history I have at this point is the travel history for W.African Nations, I now need your advice, Since I am going as a tourist, asides adding an itinerary as well as letter of Explanation, are there other documents I might need to add as a tourist? As included in the new itinerary that I would be visiting a Family friend who stays in Grand Prairie and Totonto, Do I need to have a Letter of invitation from them? Pls I need advices.

  • What job are you employed at, and with what kind of company? Why did you include company registration documents? Did you include document supporting your civil union? How long were you planning on visiting Canada for? Did you include financial and bank statements? Commented Dec 22, 2019 at 15:26
  • I did all. and i am planning on visiting for a week
    – Robert
    Commented Dec 22, 2019 at 17:29
  • What job are you employed at, and with what kind of company? Why did you include company registration documents? Commented Dec 22, 2019 at 20:01
  • 1
    Based on the stated refusal reasons it seems unlikely that an itinerary and/or a letter would have helped much, unfortunately.
    – jcm
    Commented Dec 23, 2019 at 8:26
  • 1
    @Robert Paragraph 179(b) of the IRPR is a section of Canada's Immigration and Refugee Protection Regulations that allows visa officers to reject applications on the suspicion the applicant might try to stay in Canada beyond their temporary stay. Making a fresh application where the only change in your circumstances is mention of visiting a family friend in Canada won’t change that suspicion. Unfortunately, as you’ll probably be aware, Nigeria is universally seen as a high immigration risk country.
    – Traveller
    Commented Dec 23, 2019 at 9:48


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