I have flown from Berlin TXL to Paris ORY with Aigle Azur, flight number ZI608 (09:55 --- 11:55) on the 30th of April 2019. There is a circumstance regarding ticket sale which has had me, so far unsuccessfully, attempt to obtain a refund for the flight.

I have purchased a ticket through MyHolidays, an intermediary. I have received a confirmation of the booking soon afterwards. Simultaneously, I have received the following email:

From: "Please do not respond"

RECLOC = [redacted] (same one as in the email)

Gentile Cliente Siamo spiacenti ma, a causa di una problema, il biglietto non e stato emesso.Per informazioni vi preghiamo contattare il Ticketing Travel Center al numero 025275407 ext 2 Agenzie di Viaggio dal lunedi' al venerdi' dalle ore 09.00 alle ore 13.00 e dalle 14.00 alle 19.00, sabato dalle 09.30 alle 12.30

Google Translation:

Dear Customer

We are sorry but due to a problem the ticket has not been issued. For information please contact the Ticketing Travel Center at number 025275407 ext 2 Travel Agencies from Monday to Friday from 09.00 to 13.00 and from 14.00 to 19.00, Saturday from 09.30 to 12.30

In order to confirm what the email claimed, I accessed Aigle Azur's website and entered the flight details into the check-in form. The website promptly informed me that a booking with the provided booking number could not be found.

Basing my judgment on the aforementioned clues, as well as under pressure to secure a seat on a flight departing in three days, I opted to book another ticket, this time directly with Aigle Azur.

I have been in touch with MyHolidays customer service, which denies me a refund, saying that the first ticket remained valid. They refuse to consider the email that I have received.

I have ultimately checked in and flown on the second ticket.

What would be the best course to contest the ticket and obtain a refund? I am quite unhappy about the unnecessary expense as well as the treatment.

  • 3
    If you paid MyHolidays with a credit card, Step One is contesting the charge. Did you talk to their Customer Service before getting the second ticket, and if so, what did they say? Commented Jun 9, 2019 at 18:37
  • @AndrewLazarus I have only reached out to them after purchasing the second ticket. It was most likely a misjudgment. I suppose that I would not have purchased the second ticket, had I spoken to them. I acted on written communication instead. Commented Jun 10, 2019 at 12:34


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