I have obtained a Schengen visa twice:

  1. Czech Republic (single entry for 90 days)
  2. Germany (multiple entries for 30 days)

I have two business trips coming up where I will be attending a conference. I have tickets for both. One is in Paris from May 20-24 and the other in Greece from June 8-13. I would like to get a multiple-entry visa for 90 days so I don't need to apply repeatedly as there is potential for another conference.

My questions are:

  1. What dates should I specify in my application since I have two trips coming up? Should it be from May 20 to June 13, or just May 20-24?
  2. Which consulate should I apply to? I believe Paris, although how should I specify about Greece since there is nowhere in the form to do so.
  • Specify exactly the truth. You can attach a piece of paper to add more information. Also you will have an opportunity to explain at your interview. Commented Apr 16, 2019 at 15:45
  • What dates should I enter though? just dates of my first trip
    – fscore
    Commented Apr 16, 2019 at 19:36
  • @cHi, I don't think the Schengen short-stay visa process usually includes an interview. (The applicant must show up to have biometrics taken, but they won't get to speak to a decisionmaker at that occasion). Do you have information to the contrary? Commented Apr 16, 2019 at 19:57
  • It does include an interview where you submit the docs.
    – fscore
    Commented Apr 16, 2019 at 20:03
  • @fscore: What makes you think that is an "interview"? Commented Apr 19, 2019 at 10:12

1 Answer 1


One is in Paris from May 20-24 [5 days] and the other in Greece from June 8-13 [6 days].

Since these are 2 business trips within 2 months, this will be covered in one application (Visa Code Article 5(b)).

What dates should I specify in my application since I have two trips coming up?

All known dates within the 2 months should be given.

Which consulate should I apply to?

Greece, since you will be staying one day longer in Greece than in France and otherwise the reason for the trip is the same (business).

so I don't need to apply repeatedly as there is potential for another conference.

If the date of a third trip is known, it should be added as a possible third trip. This then could lead to a multiple entry instead of a dual entry visa.

how should I specify about Greece since there is nowhere in the form to do so.

Field 24 (Additional information on purpose of stay).

  • Paris from May 20-24 [5 days] ; Greece from June 8-13 [6 days] ; possibly Italy June 21-25 [4 days]

Visa Code Article 5
Member State competent for examining and deciding on an application

  • (b) if the visit includes more than one destination, or if several separate visits are to be carried out within a period of two months, the Member State whose territory constitutes the main destination of the visit(s) in terms of the length of stay, counted in days, or the purpose of stay; or


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