What is the absolute best time to leave from Baja Mexico to re-enter San Diego, California by either vehicle or pedestrian?

This is assuming you don't have a Sentri Pass.

I went to Mexico a few weeks ago and had a terrible time entering the border from Mexico into San Diego. Took me 4 hours by vehicle through San Ysidro Border at 10AM on a Regular Sunday.

From my understanding there is about 7 Border crossings of Mexico. Wiki Border crossing of Mexico

Is there a list out there that shows the best times to re-enter San Diego Area through vehicle or pedestrian?

  • 1
    Current wait times are available at bwt.cbp.gov Commented Jul 7, 2016 at 18:44
  • Thats nice to view real time border crossings, but i was wondering if there was a "Best TIME" to go. From my understanding. 1AM-4AM on any border/given day isn't that bad.
    – DanielSD
    Commented Jul 8, 2016 at 18:28

1 Answer 1


This site has eight border crossings listed: http://traffic.calit2.net/border/border-wait-times.php?type=passenger&sub=standard&port=250401#

They graph wait times there so you can see the average delay for a given day of the week. It looks like the slow & busy times vary depending on what day of the week it is, so you'll need to check and take a look at the graph for whatever day you're planning on crossing on.

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